Week in review: April 4 2020: Snake bite healed!

Praise God for His healing and protection! Great news this week! Read more below. We also have the latest post on our 40 Days of Prayer, with us praying together! We finished The Last Eight Days, with Part 2 and Part 3. Continue reading to see a glimpse from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Praise God!! I’m so excited to share this amazing answer to prayer with you today.
I don’t know about you, but I am in need of more good news right now! And here it is.
Deadly Snake Bite Healed!
Our constant prayer for our group here is for the deadly snakes to be kept away and for our people to be protected from them. It’s a constant threat in this area, and with the type of huts they have, we have been unable to keep the snakes out. Last year, Joel’s aunt was killed by one. And we pray and do all we can to keep them away. Since we’ve been praying as a group consistently, the snakes have been gone! And that brought a rat problem with it!
But yesterday, Thayamma, who is 51, was bitten on her hand by a deadly viper. No ambulance was available, because they are all busy during this pandemic. But also, the venom acts so quickly, no one has yet survived long enough to make it to the hospital.
And because of the pandemic, every single person in the tribe was home. Everyone gathered to pray, the adults and children, and she lived!! They then crushed some limestone rocks to stop the bleeding. And she is feeling fine!
They are praising and singing and praying together still! Our volunteer told me that instead of being gripped by a spirit of fear, they are gripped by a spirit of prayer! Thank you, Jesus!
Pray with us
Father God, Jehova Rapha, our Lord who heals us, we praise You for this mighty work among our people. Thank You for Your protection and Your healing. Thank You for saving Thayamma’s life! Please keep her healthy and protect her from any possible effects of the venom. We pray that Your Name will be glorified through this. We pray that it will build people’s faith and encourage them in this hard time. Lord, we ask for continued protection from these snakes. Lord, please keep the snakes out of the villages and continue to protect all our people from them! We ask for continued protection from all illness, especially COVID-19. And we ask for continued provision for all of their needs. We praise You, we worship You, for You alone are worthy. We ask these things, not because of any merit or worth on our own, but because Jesus already paid the price for our healing and because of Your great love for us. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
At our church in India
Ministry looks so different during the pandemic! We gathered the kids at the church during the week with just the closest village. We were able to get rice for everyone!! This is a huge answer to prayer!! Look at all that rice! And as a bonus, because God is so good, look at all those watermelons we got! It’s a small thing, but here it’s abundance! It’s very hot already and the watermelon is such a treat for the kids. It’s a little delight in the midst of what’s hard.
Rice for each family!
We made lunch for the kids and prayed together.
Look at little Joel! He’s been through much worse than this, so he’s doing well! Brain surgery is scarier than quarantine. And, he’s just happy to have all his friends from boarding school home! I love his attitude and all God does through him, showing others His love and His power and His provision!
This week in the villages
In this area, our church families come from three different villages.
This week our volunteers visited each one, praying and bringing rice, soaps, and cash to all! We were able to buy rice in bulk to give, but for all other necessities this week, we were so grateful to be able to provide each family in our church about $20 to buy what they need! Thank you, Lord! And thank you so much for your generosity!! No family will go without food this week because of it!!
Look at Rakkumamma! Praise God, she is doing well! She is still on medication for tuberculosis and she shows no symptoms of COVID19. We’re praying for protection for all!!
Visiting the another village
Here’s Daniel with the children’s story Bible we got him to read in the hospital! He’s still recovering well and goes in for his followup soon.
Visiting another village!
In Mexico, like in India, those we serve lost their jobs without warning. With the underprivileged in the US, we talk about people living week to week. The weekly workers are paid low wager, just enough to buy food for the week. Here in Mexico, it’s often day by day. We have over 50 families right now near us who are in immediate need of food to get through the week!
The greatest blessing in this is that the store we have used for over a decade to buy food for our food distribution program is still letting us buy in bulk! We spoke to the owner when they put strict limits on items to discourage hoarding. Knowing what we do, he offered to let us call in our order and they will deliver it!
Our prayer
It’s in the storms of life that we discover where our security is anchored. We’re praying that God will show Himself mightily to all we serve. That those who know Him will find themselves anchored in Christ, not in the world and that those who don’t know Him will be drawn to Him as He provides for them!
Here is all we got delivered. We’re packing it up to deliver to each family.
Food getting packaged up
Our littlest helpers!
In order to keep social distancing, we have fewer helpers, but thankfully their little ones love helping too!
Please continue to pray with us for protection and provision for our volunteers and those we serve!
Thank you for your love, your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- The Pool Of Bethesda
- Eyewitnesses To The 2nd Coming
- Defining Grace
- Advice On Reading The Bible And Praying
- Where Is Mount Zion?
- OK, I’m Saved. Now What? Follow Up
- Are Some Gifts Only For Men?
- To Hell And Back?
- What Happened To Jesus After He Died?
- How Are We Able To Seek Our Salvation?
- The Parable Of The Yeast
- What Type Of Bread At Communion?
- Is Baptism Required To Receive The Holy Spirit?
- The Anointing That Breaks The Yoke