Week in review August 26 2017

In Mexico school has begun. In India, we’ve had another week full of doctors visits and children’s church activities, and on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
In Mexico, the kids in our area had such a great summer! Thanks to your support, they had a safe, fun place to spend the summer while their parents worked. And no families in our area had to leave their children home alone or fear being visited by Child Services.
They received new backpacks! And they loved our time together so much they’ve asked to keep coming during the school year. We’re planning weekend activities to keep the relationships we’ve made and the influence we’ve had in showing them God’s love!
In India, the tribe we serve has been dealing with lots of rain. Rain affects you more when your house is made of tarps.
Joel and his grandmother are still in the hospital. We have always prioritized orphans and widows in our outreaches and giving. And, often, just like with Parvathi, the Lord will highlight people to us who need extra love and attention. This family is one of those. Joel’s mom was widowed when she was 4 months pregnant with him. He was born with Down Syndrome, and later began to develop pronounced eye bulging. The doctors suspect a tumor is the cause. He is only 4 years old. He had a CT scan last week, an Echo Cardiogram this week, and he’ll have an MRI next. Please keep Joel, his mom, and his grandma in your prayers. We’re so grateful for the amazing medical staff we have there and your prayers and support that give this family the medical attention they need.
Here is Joel and with his grandma. You can see our review post last week to see more photos. We’re so grateful the hospital lets them stay together, so they both feel secure. Hospital stays are intimidating, and are even more so when you don’t understand the language of the doctors. After her blood transfusion, they thought she could be released, but then she had fluid in her lungs that needed to be removed. They’re now doing more tests and we’re praying.
Learning more about Jesus and singing songs in Children’s Church.
We have a few videos for you this week! Crossing rainy rivers to get to our church, singing praise songs and another precious little one learning to pray and bless the food.
We’re working on posting Jack’s audio studies to YouTube as well. You can sign up for our emails or subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified. Look for that in the coming week.
I’m so grateful for your prayers, support, and encouragement that enables us to do all of this. Thank you for partnering with us to change so many lives!
As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
Happy weekend and may the Lord richly bless you!
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Overcoming Sexual Sin
- Messiah Or Christ?
- Bear Each Other’s Burdens
- Who Are The Sons Of The Kingdom?
- Preach To Every Creature?
- Part of Israel or Part of the Church?
- Knowing What We Believe And Why
- Who’s In Charge Here? More Follow Up
- Is My Friend Ignoring His Calling?
- Can A Person Be Post Trib And Pre Wrath?
- What Does Romans 8:13 Mean?
- Will The Church Conduct Animal Sacrifice In The Millennium?
- Written On Our Hearts
- How Did Sin Come To Be?
- What Will Happen To The Temple Mount?