Week in review January 27 2018

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico! And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Joel had his CT scan this week, and the doctors are thrilled with his progress! They said his eyes have set in 2 millimeters more! Thank you for praying with us for Joel, his mom, and his medical team. Please keep praying! (For more info on Joel, here’s our first call to prayer for Joel and the updates through his major surgery.)
In Mexico, it’s roofing season. Praise the Lord! The Lord prompted one generous reader to come help and sponsor a few roof repair projects. Our new volunteer is an expert in roofing and saw the other roofs we had done with hot tar. He wanted to come and teach our guys a new method and brought the tools and materials to do so. We are so grateful! There are so many more roofs in this community that need to be replaced, please pray with us for the ability to help more people!
Here’s the roof we’re fixing this week. This is Berta and her grandson. She and her daughter and grandson live here and their roof leaks so much they lived in constant fear of the rain. They live very simply and joked that the only running water they had in the house was from the roof!
The first day we began removing the rotted wood and replacing it with new boards.
After all the wood was replaced, they tacked down felt to prepare for the roofing material! Already it’s watertight! No more leaks!
Please keep our crew and volunteer in your prayers! Pray for safety and continued work!
And in India, here are scenes from our Children’s Church:
The Lord is so good! We have seen a huge transformation in these children since we began this church, and it hasn’t even been a year yet. They have a pure love and trust in Jesus and His goodness. And I’m so grateful we were able to introduce them to Him and help them grow in His love.
Here Joel’s mom is showing how well his incision is healing!
Thank you for your kindness and generosity! And for your prayers and your support! Lives are forever changed because of them, and I’m so grateful!
As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
Happy weekend and may the Lord richly bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- How Old Was Jesus When The Magi Arrived?
- Mary’s Ancestry
- Help Me Prove The Bible Is Authentic
- Three Temples Or Four?
- Exodus 6:6-7 And The New Testament Cups
- Was Jesus A Carpenter?
- More On The USA In Prophecy
- Is The USA In Bible Prophecy?
- Loving Our Enemies
- The Books Of The Bible
- Do We Have The Authority?
- Why Isn’t Everyone Saved?
- How Can I Be Certain?
- Authority Over Demons
- Why Do We Need Bodies?