Ask a Bible Teacher

What’s is Jack’s Doctrine On Prophecy?

Published: July 21, 2017

Which church doctrine most closely follows what this ministry and the author here Jack Kelley, believes where Bible Prophecy is concerned?

Explaining John 21:21-22

Published: July 20, 2017

Re: John 21:21-22. Your interpretation of these verses would be appreciated. Did Jesus, having stepped down from his all knowing throne to assume the form of man, believe that he would be fulfilling the second coming during the lifetime of John? Or was he simply saying that its none of Peters business if John remains alive until his return? Both of these interpretations are hard for me to grasp. Why did Jesus have to forfeit His all knowing powers simply because he took on human form? Don’t His many supernatural miracles contradict that explanation?

Stop Telling Lies

Published: July 19, 2017

In previous posts you keep telling your readers that if you tithe regularly and support Israel you will be showered with blessings. If this is the case, why did my friend at work stab me in the back and steal my job? And why is my father now threatening to throw me out on the street because I haven’t found another one yet, even though I’ve only been laid off two weeks and I’m actively looking for work? There are a lot of things I stopped doing years now, such as witchcraft and watching porn. I’ve always supported Israel, financially as well as emotionally. Yet it seems I can’t do anything to please anyone, least of all God. I wish you would stop telling your readers lies.

Taken And Left In Matt. 24:40-41

Published: July 5, 2017

For most of my life, I thought that Matt. 24:40-41 described the Rapture: “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.” In more recent years I realized Matt. 24 and 25 are not about the Church. So in rereading verse 40 and 41, I realized they are about the sheep and goat judgment. The goats are the ones taken and thrown into the eternal fire. The sheep are left to enter the millennium with Christ. Because of this, I believe the Church is gone before this judgment occurs.

Did I Lose My Salvation?

Published: July 5, 2017

I went through a horrific year exactly ten years ago and have struggled ever since. I won’t bother you with the details, but trust me it was easily the worst year of my life. Since then I have grown increasingly detached from God and sometimes doubt His existence. I try to put on a good show but I feel like such a hypocrite. Did I lose my salvation? There is still so much pain leftover from it that it blocks my relationship with Him. What gives?

The Importance Of Blood In The Bible

Published: July 5, 2017

I would love to understand the complete meaning and importance of “blood”. It seems to be very important to our Salvation. I know the bible tells us that life is in the blood and also that there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. But it seems all kinds of cults and occult practices also place importance on “blood”. Can you explain why blood seems to be an important part of all religious practices?

Jesus And The Anti-Christ

Published: June 21, 2017

Re: Genesis 3: 15 “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”

Could this be referring to the anti-Christ and Jesus? Could this mean that the anti-Christ will actually be the “seed” of Satan? That Satan will impregnate a human woman (as the evil angels did in Noah’s time) so that his “seed” will rise up to be the imitation of Christ, when he appears on the scene soon?

The Holy Spirit At Pentecost

Published: May 31, 2017

As part of your response in “What Caused The Change In Peter”, you accurately point out in John 20:21-23 that the disciples received the Holy Spirit directly from Jesus. How does this differ from the disciples being “filled with the Holy Spirit” at Pentecost (Acts 2:4) after Jesus’ ascension? If they already had received the Spirit, why was He sent again?

Another Trinity Question

Published: May 31, 2017

First I would like to thank you, I stumbled upon your website trying to find a verse in Matthew 7. I came across the article; Not everyone who says Lord, Lord. Not only did this message bring my husband and myself to tears but it has renewed our walks with Christ. I have a question concerning the Trinity.

I, a preachers child, grew up not realizing that there are people who deny the Trinity yet still profess their Christianity until I met my husband. He grew up a Jehovah’s Witness (left 13 years ago). He and I are continuously searching for our home church and this seems to be the one item he can’t get. I believe it to be from years of hearing the Witness take on the Trinity. Could you possibly shed some light on scripture for us to go over. Also, is the belief in the Trinity a contingency for his salvation?

Did Paul Have To Finish What The Lord Started?

Published: May 25, 2017

In Colossians 1 verse 24 It implies that Christ’s sufferings were insufficient to cover the sins of the body of Christ [the church] and that Paul needed to ‘fill’ up ‘that which is behind’ of the afflictions of Christ. PLEASE explain and thank you for this truly great website.