Persecuted For His Sake
Published: December 20, 2017I have a question I hope you can sort out for me. Matthew 5: 11-12 states that we are blessed when we’re persecuted for Jesus’ sake. I have always thought that means, when people scoff if we are sharing the good news that Jesus died for our sins. But lately I have started to wonder: does it also apply when you refuse to do something you know God would hate, such as telling dirty jokes even though all your buddies are doing the same thing? When they laugh and call you a prude, is that the same as being reviled because of Jesus?
The Duration Of The Lord’s Ministry
Published: December 20, 2017Was Jesus 30 when he started his ministry and 33 & 1/2 when he died ?? Are there scriptures to prove this?
Wrong Method, Right Result?
Published: December 8, 2017Is there a place in the Bible where we find that God offers salvation to those who reach out to Him as best as they know how … even if it’s wrong?
A Question Of Faith
Published: December 8, 2017Re: The Sick Woman And The Dead Girl. In the days of Christ the woman was drawn to touch His garment knowing she would be healed. My question is what was it that some saw in the physical man called Christ that others did not? They didn’t have the written Word for years and years to give testimony to His existence and life. They didn’t have the eye witness that saw Him die and rise from the dead or ascend to heaven, yet they believed in Him as a mortal. I think maybe they had far more faith than we do.
Physical Blindness Vs. Spiritual Blindness
Published: December 8, 2017Can you please explain John 9:41?
The Lord’s Seamless Garment
Published: November 20, 2017John 19:23 speaks about the soldiers casting lots for Jesus garments. The passage speaks specifically about Jesus coat that was woven without seam from top to bottom. Is there any relevance to that particular passage concerning the importance of no seam?
God’s Calling Or Satan’s Mischief?
Published: November 20, 2017I am married with two small children. I really feel blessed by what Jesus did for me and I have a very big desire to serve in many ways within our church and outside. The problem comes in where my wife feels I need to be home entertaining her and the children. Now I’m not talking about going away and serving for an extended period of time on the mission fields. The only time I spend time away from them is work or a church related event. My question is: where do my main obligations lie? I know family is second to God, but if I feel a strong need to serve should I feel guilty sometimes putting family second?
Get Married Or Serve The Lord?
Published: November 20, 2017I am a young man preparing for the move from high school to university, and I feel a deep desire to be married one day, and enjoy the emotional intimacy one has with their spouse. To feel God’s love reflected from a person who is flesh and blood. However, intellectually I acknowledge that I would likely be the most useful to the kingdom if I remained celibate and devoted the extra time and resources to spiritual pursuits. Should I just give up on my dream?
Part of Israel or Part of the Church?
Published: August 22, 2017Today, are Jewish believers part of Israel or part of the Church?
How Should We Prepare For The Days Ahead?
Published: July 21, 2017How are we to prepare for the days ahead? Do we prepare in the natural by stockpiling food and water in anticipation of an EMP or demise of our economy? Do we buy gold and other commodities to trade and barter with? Or are we to prepare spiritually only…to learn to take the Lord at His word that He will see us through, that He really means Matthew 6:31-33 and will be our only source of sustenance?
I want to trust in the Lord, but I also want to be faithful to Him and steward what He’s given me well.