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Eternal Security And Eternal Life

Published: November 7, 2013 (Originally published: October 19, 2013)

I hope you can help me settle something once and for all. I firmly believe in eternal security, but someone I know insists we can lose our salvation. She says the Bible does not say eternal “security” but says eternal “life”. I have given her plenty of evidence from God’s word and still she falls back on this. Eternal life and eternal security are the same to me. She’s looking for the specific word, “security”. How can I answer this particular point ?

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Truth Or Consensus?

Published: January 18, 2024 (Originally published: September 22, 2013)

The man who wants to be our new pastor was preaching on unity and said there is a lot of division because of eternal security and we ought not let it divide us. He said it’s okay to agree with churches who do not believe in eternal security. He said that people who believe in conditional security are probably closer to the Lord because they are afraid of losing their salvation. According to him, those of us who believe that once saved we’re eternally secure are more likely to take our salvation for granted and not be as close to the Lord. Personally, I don’t see how living in fear of not being saved makes one closer to the Lord.

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Eternal Security In The Old Testament?

Published: June 4, 2011 (Originally published: June 3, 2011)

Would I be wrong to believe that the Jews in the Old Testament had a kind of Eternal Security? They were able,no matter what the sin to sacrifice an animal and be forgiven. If we who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for us were to sacrifice an animal,it would be blasphemous. So if we are able to be lose our salvation for sinning, it would appear that the old covenant is better than the new covenant! Am I seeing this correctly?

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Popular Posts on Eternal Security

Published: March 30, 2015 (Originally published: March 30, 2015)

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10 Virgins Follow Up

Published: August 5, 2016 (Originally published: August 13, 2006)

I understand your view (on the Parable of the 10 Virgins) and appreciate your reply. I believe in eternal security, but I will have to pray about and research the eternal security of believers in the tribulation more in depth. Thank you.

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No Eternal Security In The Old Testament

Published: June 12, 2015 (Originally published: June 13, 2015)

I understand that being sealed with the Spirit is something distinct to our dispensation of the church. I also understand that Old Testament Saints were not sealed by the Spirit and that the Spirit could come and go, sometimes for the purpose of only empowering people for a certain task and then he would leave. The Spirit was never promised to a believer. In fact you could be a believer and not even be indwelt by God’s Spirit. My question is why you don’t believe in Eternal Security for the Old Testament Saints?

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Supporting Conditional Security With Scripture?

Published: October 11, 2023 (Originally published: September 13, 2012)

I came across a website that opposes Eternal Security. The author has a lot to say and has scripture references to back up everything he says. I’d like to know what you think and maybe point out anything wrong with his opinion. I am really beginning to doubt the OSAS doctrine and honestly question why the Gospel is even called the Good news.

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OSAS And 2 Tim. 2:11-13

Published: June 2, 2015 (Originally published: June 1, 2015)

Re: 2 Tim. 2:11-13. I believe in eternal security. Even when we stumble and fall, God will be faithful to his word. But I know many commentaries try to make it sound like if a Christian denies Christ, Christ will turn his back on that Christian. Even in Matthew, Jesus says is someone denies Christ, Christ will deny him before the father. So what is this “denial” referring to since we are eternally secure in Christ?

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OSAS And Rev. 22:19

Published: November 28, 2010 (Originally published: November 27, 2010)

I was having a discussion with a friend about eternal security, we seemed to be in agreement for the most part. However, he presented me with a scripture that I would like some help understanding the meaning, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev 22:19). Please assist me with some insight as to whether this scripture is saying that you can lose your salvation.

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Calvinism And Arminianism

Published: September 16, 2024 (Originally published: September 21, 2011)

Would it be safe to say that you espouse Arminianism?