Ask a Bible Teacher


Published: July 17, 2023

I’ve read your articles on Forgiveness, thank you for the enlightenment as the holy spirit has revealed it to you. This revelation though in front of me all along yet hidden from my eyes has given me new freedom from sin and the torments of Satan.

I have one question though that you didn’t discuss. Jesus said if your brother comes to you and says ‘I repent,’ forgive him. Is there any evidence that we should forgive though he has not asked or repented? I feel for our own sake we should forgive, yet our own salvation is conditional on us asking and repenting.

What’s The Difference Between Saying And Believing?

Published: July 17, 2023

What is the difference between believing in your heart when praying the sinner’s prayer and just telling Jesus that you believe? Or is there a difference?

God And Satan

Published: July 17, 2023

If God cannot look at sin or be in the presence of sin, how was Satan able to appear before him and ask about Job?

Was Mary Sinless? Follow Up

Published: July 14, 2023

I see that your position is that someone can believe there are other sinless persons that have existed throughout human history, and still be born again through faith alone in Jesus. I am wondering if you think a person can pray to Mary and to the various saints and also be a born-again Christian? Does praying to others besides Jesus, indicate a lack of faith in and understanding of who Jesus He is and what He has uniquely done through His death and resurrection on our behalf? Does praying to others also a indicate a denial of Him as the only possible mediator between the sinner and God the Father because of His unique sinlessness and deity?

I am having a hard time imagining an indwelt believer, not grasping the basic understanding of the unique sinlessness of Jesus and why only He is able to mediate between sinners and God. That’s almost like saying the Holy Spirit isn’t doing His job.

More On Prayer

Published: July 14, 2023

Thank you for your recent articles on the subject of prayer. I had been troubled about why the prayer section in my local Christian bookstore is so large.

When the Lord Jesus had his earthly ministry, did He ever say “No” to anyone who came to Him, asking (praying to) Him for help, healing, sight, hearing, speech, wine for a wedding, food, etc?

He certainly is saying “No” a lot since then, and that has me troubled, as He is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” “What is too hard” for Him? So maybe it is the institution of prayer that has changed? Does the Bible tell us everything about God, or only what He thinks we need to know?

He told us that we were to have the faith the size of a mustard seed, not that of pseudo-theologians who appeal to “original languages” to hedge on the prayer promises. If faith “is a gift of God, not of man, lest no one should boast.”(clearly this verse refers to faith as the gift, since grace is by very definition a gift from God, that to mention it would be silly) then how and why do I need to have more faith for my prayers to be answered if the very faith that He requires, is a gift from Him???

Perhaps the best answer is “I don’t know”. “That’s God’s business.” He gave us so many prayer promises, with “whosoevers” and “whatsoevers”, but evidently, that has changed. I find it troubling.

Interpreting Two Verses

Published: July 13, 2023

I was hoping you could shed some light on two scriptures for me if you could:

The first being Ecclesiastes 12:6, what specifically are these objects that are being destroyed i.e. the silver cord?

The second is Amos 5:2, why does God say that Israel is fallen never to rise again?

Thank you so much for your help as always.


Was Mary Sinless?

Published: July 13, 2023

I was having a talk with my pastor about the belief that Mary was sinless, a view as you know held by Catholics as declared by the ineffable God decree of 1854 and the idea of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

I was wondering if you thought that a person who believes Mary was sinless can also be a Christian. Does the view of Mary being sinless take away from Christ’s glory? Ineffable God does stress that Mary remained sinless by the power of God and not by her own deeds, however does this even change anything?

More On Spiritual Gifts

Published: July 13, 2023

I just read your response to a question about gifts and had some of my own. Do gifts change? From my experience I think they do based on what God desires to happen in both my life and how I interact with those around me. I see some of the change being based on my growth as a Christian and maybe some based on gaps in the Church I attend. My wife and I recently took a class in Church on the spiritual gifts. In that class we covered about 13 or 14 of them in the time frame of the class and then took a “gifts” test at the end. One of the things which struck me was I had one or two which stood out (was strong in) but others that I had some affinity for (not quite as strongly inclined). I also saw that what I had today (at the time of the evaluation) was not even close to what I saw in my life when I was younger in age and Christian walk as well as single. Is this biblical?

Resisting The Devil

Published: July 12, 2023

I know that Jesus is my Savior, and I know that the only way to get saved is to believe in Him and His death on the cross for my sins. I have been wrestling with Satan, who is trying to convince me that I am not saved because I don’t have enough faith in what Christ did, and therefore I have to do more to keep my salvation. I know none of this is true, but how can I convince my heart of this and get Satan out of my head?

Understanding 1 John

Published: July 12, 2023

I don’t understand the apparent contradiction in 1 John 1:8-10 versus 1 John 3:6-9. Am I misunderstanding something, if we claim we have not sinned we make God out to be a liar, but if we continue to sin this is evidence that we are not born of God? I know that I am a saint who sins … but please enlightenment me on these verses.