A Proper Use Of Our Tithe?
Published: June 9, 2023My wife and I have decided to tithe and put it first in our finances. We have been sending some money to a missionary for a while now, but not the full ten percent. A week after we made this decision and were going to start my father calls and says that he and my mother would like to stop by and talk with my wife and I. After some persuading he tells me it has to do with their finances, and that things are not going very well. My wife and I prayed that God’s will be done, and to let us listen with love. My parents came over the next day and proceeded to tell me that they were falling behind by a few hundred each month because of one large bill, and that they are going to file for bankruptcy. My wife and I listened then excused ourselves for a few minutes and quickly agreed that we had to help. We told them of our decision to tithe regularly, and the amount that would put us at a full ten percent was only a little less then what they were falling behind every month. We also met with them the next day and helped create a budget that they could stick to, and got their bills up to date.
My question is this, will God see this as tithing, or did I just put my earthly wealth into earthly things until this large bill is paid for? We did not give them the money with the hope of being paid back, and have decided that if they feel the need to pay it back, then the money will go to the Church.
Clean Animals In Mosaic Law
Published: June 8, 2023In the Mosaic Law, the clean animals are the ones that both chew the cud and split the hooves. I understand why animals that chew the cud are clean — they eat grass, not other animals or dirty things — but what does the split hoof mean? Do animals with split hooves also tend to have multiple stomachs to filter out toxins?
The Lord’s Real Name
Published: June 8, 2023I’m from India. I’m a Christian believer. I used to attend church, meetings everything which belong to God. But since a couple of days one question is killing my faith and burning my soul. Please clarify this doubt.
What is the real name of our Lord Jesus Christ? For example there are several Muslims around the world. They all call their God as ALLAH only. But in our mission, English people call as Jesus, Hindi people call as Iesa, Greeek People call as Iesus Christos, Telugu people call as Yesu, etc., This made me think thoroughly that what might be the real name of God.
When I began studying the bible the spirit guided me and gave me a reply. God of the Scriptures talked with Moses near a fiery bush.There he spake with Moses and told his name in the language HEBREW. In new testament also God spake with Apostle Paul in Damascus and told his name in HEBREW again. This made me understand that God told his name only Hebrew. That might be his real name. I think that we all are praising him with pagan names. But anyhow I’m afraid a lot in dealing this subject. Please help me and save me from this feelings.
Should They Leave?
Published: June 8, 2023Thank you for your insight that must be God-given. My parents were instrumental in my spiritual growth, and are very knowledgeable. However, they belong to a church that doesn’t recognize Israel’s rebirth as prophecy fulfilled, don’t believe OSAS, the bodily resurrection, the rapture…I could go on. They (my parents), however, do believe these things. When asked why they stay in that church, they say, “there are many people within that church that believe as we.” I believe that they remain because they’ve gone there for so many years. Should they leave that church for one that adheres more closely to scripture? Thank you.
Was It Wine Or Juice?
Published: June 7, 2023Did Jesus create wine at the wedding, saving the best for last? Or did he create Grape Juice out of water? It’s my opinion that he made wine. What’s yours?
A Question About Replacement Theology
Published: June 7, 2023I found an article on a Christian site where the author claims that the Old Testament contains many prophecies that cannot be fulfilled and promises that have been forfeited because God’s promises to Israel were conditional. He uses Exodus 19:4-6, Leviticus 26, Rom. 9-11 and Matthew 21:42,43; 23:38,39 to back up his teaching.
He states,”God has implemented a “new” covenant or Plan B, because “Plan A” (the original promises and prophecies given to ancient Israel) could not be accomplished because of Israel’s apostasy. Plan B is a bigger and better plan. It contains a brighter set of promises and prophecies and unlike Plan A, it is unconditional!
He also makes this statement: “There is no prophecy in the Bible indicating a third temple will be built and the reason for this silence is simple. God abandoned the nation of Israel at the end of the seventy weeks (Daniel 9) and He has no need for a third temple.” I thought only 69 weeks had been fulfilled.
Am I correct in interpreting his teaching as replacement theology? What would you say in a rebuttal to this? I personally don’t believe in replacement theology and think it is a heretical teaching and was interested in your view. Thanks for your wonderful insight.
Seven Demons And Forty Lashes
Published: June 7, 2023I have heard that Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene. If so what were they? Also, my sister read that when Jesus was being whipped before his crucifixion that he was given 40 lashes less one. Do you know why it was worded that way? Why not just say 39 lashes?
What Bible Translation Do You Use?
Published: June 6, 2023I have learned so much from your wonderful web site. Thank you for making tough questions easy to understand. That having been said I would like to know what Bible version you quote from? It is so easy to understand and I would like to have a personal copy. And, thank you for your Mp3 teachings. I’ve downloaded every single one of them and I love sharing them (and this web site) with others.
Eternal Consequences For Believers?
Published: June 6, 2023I just read ‘Best Of Both Worlds?‘ and came across this:
‘And when they stand before the Bema Seat judgment (1 Cor 3:10-15) with their salvation intact but absent any rewards, this will become most obvious to them as they experience eternal consequences for a few years of rebellious behavior.’
What do you mean by eternal consequences? As in restrictions placed on us in eternity? The more rebellious we were on Earth, the more consequences (like what?) we have in eternity?
I held the view that all the Church would be equal in eternity, with no class structure. How do you see it?
More On Believers In Hell
Published: June 5, 2023Please can you explain why, according to those who have had visions of Hell and Heaven or near death experience, they saw men and women of GOD in Hell because of one sin or the other. On the other hand, some of them told of people were refused entrance to Heaven because of the sin of unforgiveness not minding the fact that they are believers.