Image Or Idol
Published: January 27, 2023Re the picture of the hooded (“shepherd”?) on your homepage: is that supposed to be Jesus Christ? I’m sure we don’t need to have an IMAGE of our Savior. Perhaps the Ten Commandments even forbids it …? I tend to associate images with the worship in the Roman church. I look forward to your response as I count the issue as important.
Is God Calling Me To This?
Published: January 27, 2023I’ve written to you before expressing my frustration at being married to an unbeliever and being unable to be as fully involved in service as I would like to be. Recently, I’ve sensed the Lord telling me I’ve been trying to walk someone else’s walk instead of my own walk with Him. Instead of embracing my situation and what the Lord would have me do, I’ve been envious of other Christians who are free to serve in the church. I really want to walk in the works God has laid out before me.
I am a wife and mother, and am completely surrounded by family members who do not know the Lord. I’m sensing the Lord telling me my service to Him involves praying for and ministering to my family who don’t know Him. I’m not sure of the best way to do that aside from prayer and would love to have your wisdom in this situation. I know time is very short, and I don’t want to spend what’s left of my earthly life envying someone else’s walk, thereby missing out on what God intends for me. What do you think?
More On The 10 Virgins
Published: January 27, 2023I have read your study on Matt: 25:1-13, about the 10 virgins. I have always believed this to be about the rapture of the church, but your explanation has convinced me it is about trib. believers, those who come to faith after the rapture. The only thing I am still confused about is v. 10. How can anyone come into the marriage after the rapture? Who would be left for the millennial kingdom?
Who’s Speaking In Proverbs 8, Follow Up
Published: January 26, 2023In response to your answer to the question about Proverbs 8, how can we explain Proverbs 8:22-31 as referring to Jesus when Jehovah’s Witnesses use this to try to say that Jesus was created (as the Archangel Michael) by Jehovah God?
With Jesus Or In Limbo?
Published: January 26, 2023I was on your site reading about the time when the dead in Christ will be resurrected and caught up in the air at the time of the rapture. Now I am confused. I always thought that when I passed away, my soul would go to heaven or hell depending if I had accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I have done this and have looked forward to being in heaven with Jesus and the Lord God Almighty. If the dead in Christ will rise first, then does that mean they’ve all been waiting in limbo or does the Lord send the ones who have died back to be in a resurrected body?
Amos, The Philistines, And Psalm 83
Published: January 26, 2023Re: Amos 1:6-7. I first discovered this scripture about the time I discovered the scripture about the destruction of Damascus. Is this part of the Psams 83 prophecy about the defeat of Egypt and the destruction of Damascus? Isn’t Jordan a part of this as well and Amman Jordan destroyed at this time? Thanks for your web site. it is truly a breath of fresh air in a world full of luke warmness, It is certainly meat and not milk.
Did God Punish Cain’s Wife?
Published: January 25, 2023What sin did Cain’s wife commit to have equal punishment of her husband, being banished from God? Surely, God wouldn’t punish her just for being ‘married’ to Cain, would He? As there were no ‘priests’, etc to perform the marriage ceremony, how was this ritual performed, and by whom?
Who Is Speaking In Proverbs 8?
Published: January 25, 2023Who, really, is speaking in Proverbs Chapter 8? The scripture seems to suggest it is “wisdom” doing the talking, but isn’t wisdom a condition — a state of being — as opposed to an entity? Whoever is doing the talking seems to be corporeal. It’s a beautiful chapter, but I am a bit baffled as to who is doing this oration. Thank you for the wonderful work you do.
The Prophecy Of Caiaphas
Published: January 25, 2023Thanks for your website and your Las Vegas Bible Study. Truly, your work is a gift from God!
I have questions regarding John 11:47-52….
Verse 11:51 states that Caiaphas “prophesied” –I assume that this means that Caiaphas truly received a message from God. Is this correct? Verse 11:52 states: “and not for that nation only, but also that He would gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.” -if Caiaphas made this statement in the presence of the other Pharisees, wouldn’t this have caused a major uproar (predicting salvation for the Gentiles)?
I was unable to locate any other Bible passages that provided additional information regarding this episode.
What Does Hebrews 10:38 Say?
Published: January 24, 2023Re: Hebrews 10:38-39. “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul”. God warns that those who renounce their confession of the Lord Jesus draw back into perdition. His true believers must stand firm, hold steadfast and believe until the very end.
I read this interpretation of Hebrews 10:38 on another website. Do you agree with it?