Why So Much?
Published: February 16, 2023Why do you suppose we will need a “house” for all of us? Surely there will not be furniture or a kitchen therein, nor will we need a bed in which to sleep. Neither will there be a need for bathrooms or closets. Does Scripture give any indication as to why this huge complex of 1400 miles X three is being prepared?
What Do They Look Like?
Published: February 15, 2023I`ve learned more from your website about the end times than all my 60 years of Sunday School combined. I`ve learned about our residence (new Jerusalem) after the rapture. But not much is said about where we immediately go when we die and are we just invisible spirits w/o bodies. I think you have said Jesus is the only one in heaven with a glorified body so far. Does John 14 and Rev. 21 describe heaven before the rapture as well as after?
A Bad Example Of A Christian?
Published: February 15, 2023I was such a bad example of a Christian when I first asked Him to save me, and lived in immorality for 5 years. Although I have fully repented and been faithfully married for decades, and am fully committed to the Lord and careful about my walk, I still worry about the passages in Scripture that say that the unrighteous will not go to heaven. What would you say to people who were washed as I Cor. 6:11 says, but who fell into sin again?
More On Seeking Forgiveness
Published: February 15, 2023I know there are many scriptures telling us to forgive others. However, can you tell me where we are instructed to ask forgiveness from others. The NT says that if we go to the altar, yet have something against our brother we are to go “and be reconciled,” before we return to the altar. But is there a specific command for us to ask forgiveness from others? (Not saying, “I’m sorry,” but saying, “Will you forgive me?”)
Will We See God?
Published: February 14, 2023Something has been bothering my mind here. When we get to Heaven/New Jerusalem, will we actually see God as the Father or will He still appear to us as Jesus like He did when Jesus was here on Earth?
Four Beasts, Four Kingdoms
Published: February 14, 2023In Daniel’s vision he saw in Daniel 7:2-3 the four beasts came up out of the sea. In Dan. 7:17 speaking of the same four beasts, says they arise out of the earth. What do you make of that?
Exile, Captivity, Or Servitude?
Published: February 14, 2023I have seen the 70 years the Jews were in Babylon labeled as them being exiled, in captivity, and in servitude. Does it matter what it was called? Also there were a couple other times that they were also in similar predicaments. This is mixed up for me, can you sort out when, where and why they got themselves into trouble?
Where Was Mary Buried?
Published: February 13, 2023First of all I just love your site. I visit it it everyday. It has helped me a lot. One question that I’ve been having a hard time with is where are the Virgin Mary’s remains? Some say that they can not be found because she was ascended into heaven. I just need to know what the Bible says, if anything about this view as well as your views.
When Does Isaiah 13 Happen?
Published: February 13, 2023I would like to ask you about Isaiah 13:16. I am doing a study on the broad meaning of day of the Lord vs. the narrow meaning, when Jesus makes His final appearance, and I ran across this scripture regarding how children will be dashed to pieces in front of the parents eyes. I would love to believe ALL children will be raptured. I am guessing you believe these are children born during the seven year tribulation.
Wave Offering. Follow Up
Published: February 13, 2023Am I right that those who were raised from the grave at the time of Jesus’ death like Lazarus were not raised to immortal bodies but would die again? If not, please explain.