Ask a Bible Teacher

Is A Platonic Live In Relationship OK?

Published: January 11, 2023

Thank you for this website. It has been very helpful in my relationship with Christ!

I have a question about my mother. She is currently living with her fiance and she says that there is nothing wrong with living with him because they are not having sex. What does the Bible say about things like this? Is is okay for her to live with him? She says that she has committed no sin. Is she right? Thank you very much and God bless you, your family, and organization.

Confessing Our Sins

Published: January 11, 2023

I have read your teachings on union & fellowship with the Lord when it comes to confessing our sins. I am a born again believer and I am secure in my salvation.

When we confess our sins to the Lord does he acknowledge it if I ask Him to forgive me for “all of my sins” up to this point daily or is important to Him that we confess each “individual” sin before we can be back in fellowship with Him?

I guess what I’m asking is a “blanket confession” (all inclusive) acceptable to the Lord or does He require us to be specific?

For Them Or For Us?

Published: January 10, 2023

I was going through Matthew 10: 5-16 and I wondered… Is this a passage just referring to the disciples, or all of his followers to this day?


The Timing Of The Passover Meal

Published: January 10, 2023

My question for you today involves when the Jewish day begins and when the numeric date actually changes. I know that based on Genesis it was evening first and therefore the new day begins at sundown.

If Passover begins on 14 Nisan with confirming the unblemished animal, does the actual Passover meal take place on 15 Nisan as the new day begins at nightfall?

Circumcising Timothy

Published: January 10, 2023

Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised? Wasn’t this contrary to his repeated assertion that Gentiles who became members of the Church were not required to undergo a Jewish ritual procedure for all males, according to Mosaic Law, a symbol of the Old Testament covenant that God made with Abraham?


Why Does God Let Them Live?

Published: January 9, 2023

In regards to people who are against Christ, and the word of God, what purpose did God have for them when he created them? Why are they allowed to continue living such long lives, when they damage His name and lead so many people astray?

Can I Marry My Uncle?

Published: January 9, 2023

My mother passed away November 2006. Her sister (my aunt) passed away March 2007. In our grief my uncle (my aunt’s husband) and I became close. He wants to marry me. I can only do this if it is acceptable to God. What is God’s word on this issue? I am 51 years old and I don’t know what to do.

The Sleep Of Death

Published: January 9, 2023

Psalm 13:3 – Show Context Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;

Psalm 90:5 – Show Context You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of the morning–

Were they sleeping then because Jesus hadn’t come as savior yet? Is it different now because He has come?

Questions From The Ezekiel Study

Published: January 6, 2023

My questions arise from your Ezekiel study. If your supposition is correct that the Lord deals with the Church and the nation of Israel separately, and if Psalm 83 (possibly Isaiah 17) and the battle described in Ezekiel are separate events, then could it be that the rapture should happen before both occur?

If so, or maybe regardless, is there any indication in scripture of how much time lapses between the rapture of the church and Daniel’s 70th week (the final 7 years before Jesus’ return)?

Qualifications For Teachers

Published: January 6, 2023

Should a person living in adultery be allowed to teach a Bible study? What does the bible say about this? Are there biblical references to support or ones that are against this. Tell me where in the bible it specifically state what the life style of a teacher should be.