Ask a Bible Teacher

Interracial Marriage

Published: April 14, 2022

Is interracial marriage a sin? There are several people at the place where I work that claim that the Bible says that it is a sin. But Moses, Joseph, and Ruth are examples of interracial marriages. The passages they site clearly to me are saying not to marry a non-believer.

Antiochus Or Anti-Christ?

Published: April 14, 2022

I appreciate the time you take in answering questions. I imagine you get millions of them. I have a question concerning Daniel chapter 8. I heard many people use that as a reference to anti-Christ especially the part that says “by peace he will destroy many”. I see no reference to anti-Christ but only Antiochus in that chapter. Am I correct?

Reformed Theology

Published: April 14, 2022

I was wondering about your take on Reformed Theology. I recently attended a conference hosted by a Reformed ministry. With the aberrant theologies infiltrating many of the evangelical churches today, I’m desperate to find sound doctrine being taught. The Reformers seem to hold true to the Scriptures, but they also have a few practices I’m not very familiar with.

Also, can you offer some encouragement regarding those of us who are not able to find a fellowship wherein sound, meaty doctrine is taught? Our family has visited a number of churches and have finally settled into one simply because we know that we’re commanded to fellowship with and serve the body, even though the teaching is rather “milky.”

Can Satan Still Do That?

Published: April 13, 2022

Jack, I have been thinking about this question for awhile and I know you will be able to shed light on it. I do believe that Satan has as much access to this Earth as we do, and even more. Earth and its atmosphere is right now his domain (2 Cor. 4:4 and Eph. 2:2). 1 Peter tells us that the devil walks about seeking whom he can devour. I think this is a warning to us because Satan said he has freedom to go up and down on this earth. If Satan cast slurs upon Job to the presence of God, does he also do this to believers today, to God, for permission to test us or whatever? I know Scripture tells us that Job had a protective hedge around him so Satan had to have God’s permission to attack Job in the various ways he did. If God permitted Satan concerning Job, is there anything in scripture that tells us God permits Satan to attack Believers in a “like” manner?

Seed Of The Serpent

Published: April 13, 2022

Thank you so much for your website which I have found very helpful. In Genesis 3:15, addressing the serpent, God says,”And I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed…” Wherever seed is used in the Bible referring to offspring it means physical offspring, actual children. Could the antichrist thus be Satan’s offspring? Could he be some sort of super Nephilim?

How Will He Do That?

Published: April 13, 2022

I’ve been studying your revelation series as posted on your website. As you know, all the fish of the sea eventually end up being killed as a result of God’s wrath. When Jesus ultimately returns, per Zech. 14 and Ezek. 47, will there be a creative miracle concerning marine life, and I guess, all plant and animal life on earth?

Scientists say that all the varieties of life sprang from one species via selective breeding, etc. Will enough be spared to go this route, or will it be as in Gen. 1? I recognize that the trees that bear different fruit and leaves for healing will be like nothing we know today, and could possibly be a new creation of sorts. I love science and all, and I’m a little mystified by this.

Will I See My Brother Again?

Published: April 12, 2022

When I was 4 years old, my mom had a miscarriage and my baby brother died. I know he is in heaven with Jesus, but are he and my mentally disabled sister (who belongs to Jesus too, I know) the members of the church? Or are they a different category as old testament and tribulation saint are different? My hope is that I can live with my siblings in the New Jerusalem. I want to “get back” my ‘lost” brother, as I know the New Jerusalem is “church members only” (please correct me if it isn’t), that’s why it’s important to me.

Where’s The Blessing?

Published: April 4, 2022

My question is, what are the blessings you talk about? I have tried to find the Lord and have accepted Him long ago. But I see no blessings in my life. I was shot a week after I came to the Lord and that shattered my trust in Him. In that same week my brother’s child died. After that I did things my way and it worked. But when I returned to the Lord everything fell apart again.

Although what you write I know to be the truth it just does not manifest in my life. I’ve tried to work on my faith but have reached my end and feel like giving up. I cannot tell you how hard I’ve tried but to no avail. I do not know what to do from here, and see no good outcome.

Searching For The Original Meaning

Published: April 4, 2022

Why do we hear scholars talking about Greek or Hebrew meanings of words in the Bible? When does one know that he must look for a Greek or a Hebrew meaning of a word?

What Would I Say To My Friend?

Published: April 4, 2022

My friend just sent me the following. “In Matthew 24:29-31 Jesus says He will not send His angels to collect the elect (us) until after the tribulation. The word there for elect is used thirteen times in the New testament and always refers to the church. Pre trib was a hoax. I am more and more convinced of it every day I read my Bible. Thessalonians clearly states, “The dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive will be caught up with them in the air…” And the dead in Christ rise in Revelation 20:4, after the tribulation. As it turns out, we are no more deserving of escaping hard times than the first century church was when the Romans started persecuting them and throwing them to the lions.” What would I say to my friend? I am not secure enough in scripture to handle it.