Ask a Bible Teacher

Explaining Zechariah 12:10

Published: March 3, 2022

Why The Shift Of Pronouns In Zechariah 12:10? I recently been more aware of this type of change in scripture. I believe there are so many hints that go unnoticed in the Bible that make me so thankful to some scholars who research such things

Relating To Time

Published: March 3, 2022

You responded to a reader that Tribulation people who died from other causes than martyrdom and went to heaven would be asked to “wait a little longer” for deaths to be avenged. I thought, “if there is no time, what does waiting a little longer feel like?” In fact, both my parents are now with God and do they have any concept of time on earth? I thought once we arrived in the New Jerusalem, time was no longer apparent and the time between being saved and dying (my Dad died in 1995) and our arrival, say 40 or 50 years later, would be non existent. How does one understand this?

Chosen Or Elect Or What?

Published: March 2, 2022

I’m having a difficult time separating God’s chosen people from God’s elect. I’ve always thought that Israel is God’s “chosen” people, but when we get into verse like cutting short for the Elects sake in Matt. 24 I get a little confused. Is Israel both the “Chosen” and the “Elect” and if so what is a Christian to identify with? I ask this because I find it nearly impossible to convince post-trib believers that the verses in Matt. 24 are only about Israel and the 2nd coming, not the rapture of the church. Is there a way to convince them with scripture that show clearly that Jesus is speaking of Israel and not the church?

More On Those Who Didn’t Hear

Published: March 2, 2022

I have a difficult question which has been puzzling me, which I hope you might be able to answer please. If a person dies not having heard of Jesus, “when” would you think he /she would be judged – at the Bema judgement or would they be part of the Great White Throne judgment and therefore could be saved out of it (if they would have accepted Jesus had they heard)?

I Want To Help This Man

Published: March 2, 2022

There’s this person I’ve been talking to for over 5 years on a message board we both belong to. Over time I have found out that he was once a pastor who now claims to be an unbeliever (he is very militant in his denial of God). During one of our many discussions about the existence of God he said, “If God exists and still performs miracles as you Christians believe, why doesn’t he ever regrow people’s limbs that they’ve lost? I couldn’t answer the question.

I don’t think he’s really an atheist. I think something bad happened to him and now he’s mad at God and is rebelling against him. I don’t know him personally, but I feel that I should help him and I don’t know how. Could you assist me in this?

Will Good Unbelievers Be Punished Less Severely?

Published: February 28, 2022

Because my sister is a non-believer, and accordingly will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, my question is will she know WHY she’s in Hell and understand that had she just accepted Christ as her personal savior she would be in Heaven? And because she’s a good, kind, generous, and giving person, will her punishment be less than say someone who murders or molests children? I continue to pray daily for her salvation because I know what’s coming.

Was God Formed?

Published: February 28, 2022

This question deals with Is.43:10. If you do a quick read of Is.43:10 it almost sounds as if God himself was formed. This can’t be, can it? Wouldn’t that negate his being eternal, past and present? Appreciate your thoughts.

The Books Of The Bible

Published: February 28, 2022

There are so many versions of the bible out, NKJ, NIV, etc to name just a few, and then there is the Catholic Bible with the Apocrypha. How do we know that we have the right books in the bible? Maybe that’s why there are cults out there that state that the bible has been changed and by man. Could you explain why certain books are in our bible and why there are certain books that were not accepted and why is it that the Catholics have additional books that the Protestant world doesn’t? Are those “missing books” not the word of God?

Have All Of Isaiah’s Prophecies Been Fulfilled?

Published: February 25, 2022

I have thoroughly enjoyed your series on The End Times According to Isaiah. Each week I print the next part off and study carefully. We are also studying the Book of Isaiah in my Sunday School class. But we have differences in opinion. Some in my class think that Isaiah was prophesying in the 700’s BC to events which later occurred between the 600’s BC up to the beginning of the first century AD. They have difficulty applying Isaiah to “end time events” soon to come. How can I reconcile Isaiah’s prophecies to both Israel’s times of trouble before Jesus’ birth and also to upcoming “end time events?” Is there scripture to support God’s prophetic judgments through prophecy to equally apply to past history and the future?

Evidence Of Salvation

Published: February 25, 2022

The Bible says that if we are saved then we will show good works. So what are good works? Is it not sinning, or is it helping an old lady across the road? And if it is helping an old lady across the road well, I’m going to say that unsaved people do that!!