How Will We Be Different From Adam?
Published: October 21, 2022God is perfect in every way. Therefore His original creation, including man, was perfect in every way. Yet the first man, with no sin nature, chose to sin. We call it a free will decision. At the Rapture, we will be perfected. Our sin nature will be gone. We will still have our free will. We will have the ability to sin yet we will choose not to sin. So how will we be different from Adam?
Is Acts 2:17-18 Meant For Gentiles?
Published: October 21, 2022Re: Why Won’t People Listen? Your answer begins, “You’re referring to Acts 2:17-18.” How can Acts 2:17-18 be applied to Gentiles? All that were there at this meeting were Jewish believers in Jesus. I realize it says “all flesh” but it also says “your sons and your daughters” and “your young men …, and your old men”. I have been led to believe that this refers to the believing remnant of Israel in the tribulation. Zechariah12:10
Luke Warm Believers
Published: October 20, 2022Our pastor had recently made the comment that if we do not tithe and give ten percent in our offering that we are luke warm believers. I thought that luke warm believers will not be saved. Can I get your opinion on this?
Confess Again Or Let It Rest?
Published: October 20, 2022I’m a Christian yet I have sinned. I went outside my marriage and had a child by another man. My husband forgave me and we are still married and the child will never know the truth. Unfortunately, I lied about the true identity of the person to my husband. It’s now five years plus since he forgave me and I’m afraid to revisit the incident and to tell the full truth. I have been faithful since but I am still burdened and fearful of the future if I continue to keep details secret. I don’t know what to do and how to feel. As a true believer should I lay everything out or can I ask God to forgive my deception for fear of hurting my husband once again.
Why Won’t People Listen?
Published: October 20, 2022In the Bible it speaks of people who will be blessed to receive visions of future events in the end days. How are we to share these visions without someone thinking we have gone crazy? I’ve been having them since the year 2000 and I have tried to talk to a “few” people and no one wants to even listen. I know that the world is full of unbelievers, but these people are in the ministry and none are willing to even believe that this could possibly happen. Why would God give someone like me (no one of any importance whatsoever) this gift only to have people reject me because of it?
He Only Reads The Red Words
Published: October 19, 2022I heard a speaker explain that the Gospel was mentioned in the Old Testament and that people need to know the whole Bible and not just the words of Jesus. But lately, my husband is just interested in the words of Jesus and in listening to and wanting to get a CD of all the words in red in the Bible. I would appreciate your insight into this as I can’t seem to talk to him about any other part of the Bible as he is only interested in the ‘RED WORDS’.
My Sin Makes Me Doubt My Salvation
Published: October 19, 2022I have been a Christian for many years and I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. However, due to a recent change in my personal circumstances, I have become addicted to a habit that I find impossible to overcome. This has plunged me into emotional and spiritual turmoil. For one thing, it has made me doubt whether I have been saved all these years after all. And for another, I have read so often that a true Christian hates his sin. But I don’t hate what I do. At the time I enjoy it. However afterward my conscience beats me up and tells me it is wrong. Remorse and guilt kick in. I determine never to do it again. I ask God’s forgiveness. I enjoy the sense of freedom from guilt and shame until, bang, the temptation comes again, I am overwhelmed and the whole cycle starts all over again!
And Still More On Tithing
Published: October 18, 2022Isn’t it true that we have been commanded by God to give of our tithe and offering? Malachi 3: 6-8 speaks of a curse placed on those who have robbed God. Can you clarify this message?
Fighting Back
Published: October 18, 2022I have been struggling with doubts about my salvation over the last 4 months. It has gone from questioning doctrine to questioning how we believe to even questioning Gods existence. Is this normal? I feel it is Satan trying to steal my joy and assurance. No matter how hard I try to resist him I feel he fights harder and throws more questions. I have gone to a few people about this and I have been told that a non believer would not be struggling like I am with my salvation. Would you agree with that?
Is My Son Still Saved?
Published: October 18, 2022Around age 7 our son asked Jesus into his heart, but now claims to be an atheist. He admits remembering kneeling down & asking forgiveness, but says he was too young to fully understand what it was all about. Do you think that age 7 is too young to comprehend the real meaning behind repentance & accepting Christ as Savior?