Ask a Bible Teacher

Confessing Our Sins

Published: August 12, 2022

Not too long ago, I suffered an emotional breakdown and had to be hospitalized temporarily. Since that time many of my past sins have surfaced in my memory. I am a believer and know all my sins have been forgiven. But I am heavily burdened by these sins and I want to confess them to someone. Who should I ask to hear my confession?

Do The Things You Did At First

Published: August 11, 2022

I can look back over my Christian life and can see how much I’ve grown in my knowledge of scripture. But recently, I’ve noticed that there is something missing now. I prayed about it and God revealed that it is my intimacy with Him that’s missing. I can remember when I was younger in the faith and didn’t know as much as I have learned over the years, but I was so passionate and Christ felt as close as ever! Now I’m not even sure how to get that passion and intimacy back. It feels as if I’m at a standstill. I confess my sins daily. What do you think? How do I get that closeness back with my Savior?

A Sample Of The Harvest

Published: August 11, 2022

Re: Matt. 27:52-53. Who were the many saints who came out of their graves? I thought all that were saved before the cross were in Abraham’s bosom. It appears they received their body (was it the old or new) because they appeared unto many. Is there any indication that they ascended to heaven with Jesus, or did they die again? Was this told to give us a glimpse of the rapture?

Believing without Seeing

Published: August 11, 2022

The more I know, the more I learn, the more I confirm through knowledge that God exists and the Bible is true. Does this lessen my faith? Christ said to Thomas that those who believe but haven’t seen will be blessed. My question is by gaining more information about this world, like the discovery of the Ark, the evidence of Intelligent Design, end times, does this lessen my faith?

More On The Doctrine Of Election

Published: August 10, 2022

I’ve been reading a series by a well known pastor whom I respect very much. But on the issue of election I disagree with him. He says that we can’t say that God foreknew who would choose Him and then elected people according to that foreknowledge because if that were true then God can’t be sovereign. He also says that if God chose some for heaven and lets others go to hell by not choosing them, then He is right because He is God, and His ways are higher than our ways. We are not to question Him– you know, the clay talking back to the potter. I feel like it makes God into an unfair tyrant and humans into some type of pawns in a game, basically worthless. Why would God even create the human race since He would be condemning some to hell without them ever having a choice?

Have I Truly Forgiven Him?

Published: August 10, 2022

I had an abusive father. When he was on his death bed in the hospital he requested that I come see him by having a nurse call me. I did not go to see him. I thought now you will know some of the pain I endured when I was growing up and could not protect myself. I’ve come to regret very much that feeling of anger and have asked God to forgive me for it, but I don’t know if I’ve ever really come to a place of truly forgiving my father. Whenever I believe I have forgiven him another thought appears at some point and I’m angry all over again. Is forgiveness more of a process?

Organ Donation

Published: August 9, 2022

I just read your answer about cremation which confirmed what I always thought about cremation being okay, but wanted to know what your beliefs were on organ donation. I would be an organ donor if I could get over the feeling that when the Lord resurrects our bodies, I will have given away part of mine. I know this must sound ridiculous, but was wondering what your studies have led you to believe. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

Satan Vs. Us

Published: August 8, 2022

I recently read a devotional written by a well known evangelical Christian speaker who stated that at His death, Jesus “legally entered the regions of the damned and stripped Satan of everything. He took away all his armor. He took the keys to death and hell. He bound that strong man, looted his kingdom, and Colossians says He spoiled principalities and powers and made a show of them openly triumphing over them.” That Jesus then gave that victory to us. I know that Jesus descended into Hell, but I’ve never been able to find anything in the Bible to support the actions cited above. Could you possibly help me with this. I’m not sure that this speaker is correct?

Is Cremation Prohibited?

Published: August 8, 2022

I once heard through a well known Pastor that we are not to cremate our bodies when we die and I have never found anything in the Bible to confirm that. Could you please share any scriptures to support that or not.

The Sower And The Seed

Published: August 5, 2022

I heard a man speak about the parable of the sower in Mark 4:14 and am wondering since my relationship with God has not always been faithful how can I have reassurance of my salvation and where I stand with God? Thank you and thanks for your work in the Lord.