The 24 Elders
Published: August 1, 2022Who are the 24 elders in Revelation 4:4 wearing white raiment with crowns on their heads?
Goliath’s Brothers
Published: August 1, 2022I was just wondering, in your “Children’s Stories for Adults, David and Goliath”, at the end you mention that the reason David took 5 stones is because Goliath had four brothers. Exactly where do you find that info? Is it in the Bible or other historical documents? Thank you!
Have They Lost Their Reward?
Published: July 29, 2022Re: Giving in Secret. I know of a couple who have faithfully given sacrificially towards supporting numerous missionaries for many years. On a few select occasions, they have tried to encourage others to embrace the joy of generous giving to get the Gospel out and in doing so, referred to what they have learned and in the process, some reference to what they do was made. Would this be a case of losing heavenly reward?
OSAS Believe It Or Not
Published: July 29, 2022I love your site and have found it very helpful, however, I have a question. I am a born-again Christian and I believe in OSAS, but lately, I’ve been having a very difficult time accepting it for me. I understand that Jesus died for all of our sins, and all those who believe in him will be saved and that salvation can come only through faith. But at the same time, I often feel as if my own personal sins will somehow leave me exempt from that. No matter how much evidence I read I just can’t seem to accept the fact that I am saved, and still feel as though I need to earn it and that if I commit sins I will somehow forfeit my salvation.
Another Translation Error?
Published: July 29, 2022Lately, I have been reading comments on Facebook regarding whether or not a soul goes to heaven after the death of the body. They use the fact that there were no commas in the original writing of scriptures. Therefore, when Jesus told the thief on the cross next to him, he would be in Paradise with him it didn’t mean he would be with there with him on that very same day. If you move the comma it says, “I tell you the truth today, you shall be with me in Paradise.” These people use this argument to prove their belief that no one is in heaven yet. Is it possible that the comma was put in the wrong place?
Simon The Leper and Simon The Pharisee
Published: July 28, 2022Can you help me understand an apparent discrepancy in the four different accounts of when the Lord had dinner in the house of Simon the Pharisee? I’m not sure if the same event is being recorded all four times because in one case the woman washes the Lord’s feet with her tears and wipes them with her hair. In other accounts she pours the expensive ointment on his head.
Giving In Secret
Published: July 28, 2022In Matthew 6:3 what did Jesus mean when saying, “do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” when giving to the needy?
The Deaths Of Ananias And Sapphira
Published: July 27, 2022In the context of OSAS theory I would like to ask you why Ananias and Sapphira, who were husband and wife, instantly died while speaking lies before the disciples. Were not they within the fold of first century believers? Then, why they were not saved even after speaking lies?
How Many Temple Cleansings Were There?
Published: July 27, 2022I was surprised to learn your view that John had recorded the “cleansing of the Temple” out of order. There were two cleansings to indicate two points. In the first Jesus said it was His Fathers Temple, at the beginning of His ministry. While in the second cleansing at the end of His ministry, He says “your temple” indicating the departure of the Holy.
The Importance Of Knowing Prophecy
Published: July 26, 2022While the prophets were 100% accurate when predicting the Messiah’s first advent and the situations surrounding it, the people of the day were more than likely thinking that the event and the Man and the circumstances were not much like they were described to be by the saints of old. By the same token, why are we to believe that the circumstances surrounding the second advent are going to be anything different?