Ask a Bible Teacher

The Son Of Man

Published: July 26, 2022

The Son of God became the Son of Man. I know Jesus became a man. But why was He called the Son of Man? Please help me understand the meaning of this term.

Questions On The Law

Published: July 26, 2022

I always hear we are free from the law. I have understood that to be Jewish laws and traditions, not the 10 Commandments, since if that were true we would be free to murder or commit adultery. We have Christ saying I come to fulfill the law but also we are free from the (condemnation) law.

There is a duality here that no one can explain to me. Everyone admits we are free from the law yet everyone says we are to obey the (law) 10 commandments (except The Sabbath). Why do they exclude the Sabbath??

If the 10 commandments are in fact still applicable, why is observing the Sabbath not applicable, especially since it was first hinted at in Genesis, prior to the existence of Jews or Gentiles. I have understood the 10 commandments as establishing the relationship of man to man and God to man and to be somewhat eternal.

Recently, in looking at the Sabbath, I see the Authority of the Father in establishing the Sabbath but no authority to make our day of worship Sunday Frankly, I can’t see how the leap was made to Sunday.

Why Does God Need Guards?

Published: July 25, 2022

Since God is omnipotent, omnicient and omnipresent then why would God need for any to guard his throne? Also what book, chapter and verse do people use to back this idea? I do not believe that the anointed cherub was doing that. I believe he was on the original earth overseeing it prior to Adam’s creation. What’s your take on this? I still need book, chapter and verse, because I’ve never found it in the holy bible.

A Question About Ezekiel 39:2

Published: July 25, 2022

I have been studying Ezekiel 38 & 39. I have noticed that in 39:2 the King James translation says “and leave the sixth part of thee”. I do not see this in any of my other translations. Why do the other translations not give this information or why does the King James have this information in it? No one has address this in any of the books I have read. I would like to know your thought on this.

Pleasing God

Published: July 20, 2022

Jack, I can always count on you to answer my questions in a way which helps me to understand.

I am currently reading ‘The Problem of Pain’ by C.S. Lewis and in one respect, I am understanding and in another respect, I feel very confused. My mind is trying desperately to wrap around the concepts presented here.

In one regard, Lewis states that God did not create us to love Him, rather He created us so He could love us. In another section of the book, not much further along, Lewis states that God does not need us. Because He is perfect, He needs nothing outside of Himself. Rather, He has made Himself need us for our own sakes, because beings that we are, we “need to be needed” and so He “needs” us out of Love for us, a perfect Love.

I hope I am making sense and quoting Lewis correctly. This is how I understand it anyway.

My question is this: Does anything we do here make God happy? Does He ever look down on us and smile? For if He truly does not need us beyond us needing Him, then does anything we do really affect His opinion of us one way or another?

I know the Bible mentions our good deeds being rewarded, if they are truly unselfish and thoughtful deeds, without thought to one’s own self or how it will benefit us. But does this mean at all that God is proud of us, or that we please Him in any way?

I just sat and cried after reading the book, without truly knowing why. Part of me understands and yet part of us does not and I guess that scares me and confuses me. Thanks for any insight.

Heaven Or Earth?

Published: July 20, 2022

I’m enjoying your mp3 studies, but have a question. In John, the verse about Jesus leaving and preparing a place for us with his Father, who has many rooms… Isn’t he speaking to his deciples who are Jewish? Then if he is speaking to the Jews I’m confused because if I understood the studies corectly the Jews are going to be on Earth with God, and the Gentiles will be in heaven. Please help me see where I’m confused.

The Sacrifice Of Isaac

Published: July 19, 2022

Abraham was ready to give Isaac but was no use as his blood was stained with sin, right? So, after 2000 years, God offered His Son, as per the covenant, on the same mountain??

Is the visible scar of the Lord on His wrists and legs and ribs?

Do Our Prayers Really Change Things?

Published: July 19, 2022

Thank you so much for this website. It has been a tremendous help to me when I need to find an answer. I believe in prayer very much and have seen prayers answered, but if God already knows who will or won’t accept His plan of salvation and be saved, how can our prayers for a person’s salvation change anything?

A Friend In Need

Published: July 18, 2022

I have a friend who lived with his girlfriend for several years, had a baby and then they broke up. They are not Christians, although He believes in God and has recently shown interest in the Lord.

His girlfriend, who he was engaged to for several months but did not marry, called the police and had him arrested with a restraining order saying he held her down and forced her to take drugs. She is now seeking to get custody of their baby and prove he is an unfit father. He is torn up as he loves his baby so much.

As a Christian, I am struggling to know how to encourage him since he is my friend and he knows I am a Christian. He spent 6 days in jail and did some soul searching at that time. He is wanting to find some answers from me but isn’t really asking me the questions directly. I am finding it difficult because I don’t know the truth in his situation and I don’t feel the need to know but I am also struggling because in a way it seems much of it is reaping from a certain lifestyle. Any suggestions for how I can best encourage him without being condemning? I can’t find scriptures to give him for peace because those are generally directed to believers. I want to present him with hope…scripture please?!

The Documentary Hypothesis

Published: July 18, 2022

I have a question about Genesis but first off I want to say thank you Jack for all of your help!

I am a college student and there is so much misinformation about Jesus and Christianity! I am taking a theology course on the Bible and the book that we read along with the Bible states that Moses did not write any books of the Torah and that in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 there is a conflict of how the order of things are created. The book says that in chapter 1 man and woman were created at the same time but that in Genesis chapter 2 man was created and then woman.

I was wondering if you could clarify this. This book also said that Isaac proclaiming Rebekah to be his sister is simply a copy cat story (that it never happened) of Abraham and Sarah can you help with this too? Thank you so much for your time and effort! God Bless!