Written In The Dust
Published: July 6, 2022Could you tell me in your opinion or maybe backed up by bible verses, what do you think Jesus wrote on the ground with his finger in John Chapter 8? Thank you.
Asking Sincerely
Published: July 6, 2022In some of your replies you say a person must ask sincerely for salvation. How can people not be sincere when they ask for salvation?
Cheap Grace Or Free Grace?
Published: July 5, 2022I am disturbed by a pastor who is always attacking those who teach OSAS and salvation by Grace alone. I am sure you have met many like him in your days of ministry. He keeps on referring to this as cheap grace and of course as expected, he rubbishes this. What do you say about this thing he calls cheap Grace? Is it okay to refer to what we believe this way?
OSAS And Falling Away
Published: July 5, 2022I agree with you on the OSAS but my question is on the scripture that states that many will fall away from the faith. What does that exactly mean?
Is The Parable Of The Talents About Us?
Published: July 5, 2022I understand that we are saved by Grace through faith, but the servant who received the one talent was sent to a place of ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’ because he as I understand it, did nothing with the gifts and talents god has given him. I am a born again spirit filled believer, but if at the end of my life I haven’t actually put the gifts God has given me to good use for his kingdom, is this saying that God wont accept me in heaven? I am confused because it also says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. As you can see I am very confused as to what this scripture is actually talking about, Please help!!
Resurrected Witnesses At The Rapture?
Published: July 4, 2022In regards to 1 Thessalonians 4:16 -17, after the Lord descends with a shout, do you think the following scenario is possible? First, the dead in Christ will be resurrected and will enter into the cities and be seen by many. They may begin witnessing to family and friends. Just like Jesus, Jonah and perhaps even the saints of Matthew 27: 52-53, they may lead many to salvation. They may remain on earth for minutes, or hours or even days. Then, all those in Christ Jesus (i.e., the resurrected elect and the living elect) will be taken up into the sky to be with the Lord. Could this happen?
From The East To The West
Published: July 4, 2022I recently watched a program on TV about a pastor/minister/religious leader proclaiming that he was Jesus in the flesh. This showed me there are false prophets amongst us and made me wonder if this is a sign of the end times.
Just Faith Or Faith Plus Works?
Published: July 4, 2022I read a booklet today that referenced Matthew 19:17 ‘Why do you ask me about what is good?’ Jesus replied. ‘There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.’ The writers used this Scripture to back up their view that we need to do works as well as have faith to receive eternal life. I know you believe we need faith alone, and I agree, but how would you counter their claim with this Scripture? To follow on, in verse 18 Jesus only said the six ‘human to human’ commandments are the one’s the rich man needed to obey. Why didn’t He say all 10?
How Was Jesus Tempted?
Published: July 1, 2022Heb. 4:15 Says that Jesus was tempted in all ways. Was this the same temptation we experience? If I understand correctly He had no sin nature as we do, so how was it like our temptation? I’m not being contrary I just want to understand.
Can Satan Indwell A Person?
Published: July 1, 2022I heard from somebody a while back that “Satan is a created being and can only be at one place at one time, like ourselves. Is it possible for Satan to actually “indwell” in a person? Because of my faith in Jesus, I know that He is with us and indwells in us always, but I thought that He and the Holy Spirit were the only ones capable of “indwelling” anybody.