Ask a Bible Teacher

What About The Miracles? Follow Up

Published: August 27, 2021

Re: What About The Miracles? You said through our faith in Christ the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit is available to us in our present day. When I look at the church, (meaning the people) I wonder where has that power gone?

Whose Home Was It?

Published: August 27, 2021

Regarding the anointing of Jesus. According to Matt. 26:6, Mark 14:3, John 12:3, whose house was Jesus in at this time? A friend thinks it is a contradiction. I don’t, but I don’t know how to explain it. Thank you for your answer.

Two Rivers Of Life?

Published: August 26, 2021

I just read Ezekiel and in chapter 47, it is quite clear that Ezekiel was shown the River of Life, described exactly (even with the trees, leaves, and their functions) as it is in Revelation 22:1-2. But after reading Ezekiel, I’m a little confused. Ezekiel’s vision of the river pertained to the geographic region of Israel and the Dead Sea, but in Revelation 22, John saw it in the New Jerusalem flowing down the street of the great city (and not on the earth). Are there going to be two Rivers of Life?… one on earth and one in the New Jerusalem?

What About The Miracles?

Published: August 26, 2021

You had mentioned that Jesus set His Godly powers aside, therefore, didn’t know the day or the hour of the Second Coming and I agree. However, how was He able to see into people’s hearts, know their thoughts, raise the dead, etc… if His powers had been set aside?

Does Romans 11:25 Really Apply to the Rapture?

Published: August 26, 2021

I love your website and have learned so very much through your explanations and teachings. My question today is, if we as the Church are considered a called out people and are neither Jew nor Gentile anymore, why does the Romans 11:25 verse apply to the rapture? I know that after the rapture of the Church God will return to his dealings with Israel, but was unsure if the Fullness of the Gentiles really applies to the Church.

What Will Happen To The Temple Mount?

Published: August 25, 2021

I was wondering about the mosques that are sitting on the Temple Mount. When the Lord comes back, what will be done with them? It seems to me that He would do to them what was done to the Temple. Your thoughts?

How Did Sin Come To Be?

Published: August 25, 2021

My question is how did sin come to be? I mean Satan surely sinned before man, because he existed first. So apparently it isn’t an exclusive human failing. So how and who created it?


Written On Our Hearts

Published: August 25, 2021

In the New Testament when it says the ‘law will be written on our hearts’ what is this law that’s being talked about? How do we know if we’re obeying it if we don’t know clearly what it is? The NT says the greatest law is to love God and to Love others. I just feel confused as He also says if you love me you will obey my laws.

Will The Church Conduct Animal Sacrifice In The Millennium?

Published: August 24, 2021

I enjoy studying your various topics and have a question. In the millennium will Christians be offering sacrifices with the Jews? This doesn’t make sense to me.

What Does Romans 8:13 Mean?

Published: August 24, 2021

Romans 8: 13 says, “For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” Can you please explain this more thoroughly? What exactly is this implying, and to whom was Paul addressing it?