Ask a Bible Teacher

A Famine Of The Lord’s Word

Published: September 3, 2021

It is my pleasure, once again, to seek your thoughts about matters pertaining to the end times. Throughout your commentaries, I believe you stated there will be a lack of Bibles during the end times. Why is this so?


Did The Women Know?

Published: September 2, 2021

Thank you, as always, for your dedication to some of the deepest study of the Word that I have ever read. It has helped me understand so much that I couldn’t before I found your site and your answers always ring true in my soul so I know they are inspired by the Holy Spirit. I have searched through all the Nephilim questions and could not find the answer I’m looking for this time. Is there any evidence that the human women that bore the Nephilim knew that the beings they were having sexual relations with were fallen angels?

Dividing The Earth

Published: September 2, 2021

The Bible mentions Peleg, son of Eber, saying that in his days the earth was divided. Is this the ground or the people? Thank You for your very blessed website.

Isaiah 53, A Jewish Perspective

Published: September 2, 2021

Do the Jews accept Isaiah 53 as a valid part of the Hebrew Scriptures since it is a prophecy of Jesus? Or do they believe it was included in error?

A Man On The Throne Of God?

Published: September 1, 2021

I was just reading Luke 22:69 and wondering how Jesus could be sitting at the right hand of God when he is God. I believe in the trinity so I was thinking that much like a clover leaf that has three heads yet one stalk, if that is the case for the trinity then how is Jesus sitting at the right hand of God? Is this a symbolic thing?

Not One Stone Left Standing On Another

Published: September 1, 2021

Thank you once again for your ministry. It’s fascinating. My question is this. Was the wailing wall a remnant of the temple or of a wall around it? How does that line up with the scriptures (in three gospels) that not one stone would be left on top of another?

Why Does He Bother?

Published: August 31, 2021

If a person is saved once and for all time why does Satan even bother tempting them to sin? Why would he waste his time on something he can’t change?

Whose Home Was It? Follow Up

Published: August 30, 2021

Re: Whose Home Was It? After hours of research and cross referencing, I just don’t see how you came to the conclusions you did about Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and their relationship to Simon the Leper. Could you let me know how you did, as I am most interested?

Also, for many reasons, I don’t believe the passage in Luke 7:37 are the same people either. The passage does not mention the woman by name and I don’t believe Jesus would have told Mary, at this stage, her sins were forgiven. Other reasons is this Pharisee didn’t show Jesus the courtesy or respect I believe those in above passage would have.

Happy to Be Here vs. Anxious to Leave

Published: August 30, 2021

There have been many letters to you regarding anxiously awaiting His return vs. living each day to the fullest. I’ve got to admit, I am in a spiritual conundrum. We are either happy to be here or anxiously awaiting Him to rescue us. How can we be both? If you like it on the planet, how can you be happy to leave? If you don’t because last day events are so trying and His own are targets, do you still get a crown because you seek to be rescued?

What Does 1 Timothy 2:3-6 Mean?

Published: August 27, 2021

What does 1 Timothy 2:3-6 mean? According to the original language, what does the word “all” mean in these verses? Thanks so much!