Is God Both Male And Female?
Published: August 9, 2021
In Gen 1:27, it says God created them in His image, both male and female. That is confusing because it sounds as if God is both male and female in spirit. Is God both male and female?
In The Name Of Jesus
Published: August 9, 2021Is it necessary to say ‘In Jesus’ name I pray’ throughout the day as we have these little conversations with God? Not long prayers, but with words here and there as we think of someone to pray for or maybe a little later we think of something else we want to talk with God about. I pray a lot during the day, just little chats, but sometimes I forget to say ‘In Jesus’ name I pray, and I wonder if God hears my prayers if I do not go through Jesus.
Is Dispensationalism A False Teaching?
Published: August 6, 2021I’m a strong dispensationalist, so I’m always taken by surprise when someone calls it a false teaching. Can you explain why people would feel this way? As I see it, while the label “dispensation” may be more recent, the principle of God having different covenants with different peoples is clearly outlined in the bible. Can you elaborate?
The Time Before The Flood
Published: August 6, 2021I just started reading my Bible again. I decided to start at the beginning and I’ve now read to the end. I have many questions! I wonder how Adam and Eve who had all sons. How did their sons have children and with what women?
And then If Noah took himself and his sons and of course all those animals how did his sons have kids as I didn’t read about any women coming with them on the ark?
And how did those folks live hundreds of years like that? I hope these aren’t stupid questions but the end times makes much more sense to me than the beginning times so far.
Thanks in advance for your time and God bless. I like this site and have saved it to my favorites so I can read more here. Thank you for this site.
What Every One Should Know
Published: August 6, 2021My friend calls himself a Historical Realist. He believes that the world is now left in man’s control (God has faith in US), since the Bible was completely fulfilled and is just a history book. So when ALL die, we ALL go to heaven.. there is no hell, for a loving God wouldn’t send anyone to hell (it was only made for Satan and his demons & that was the reason Christ died).
He asked me how does a loving God send a Buddhist to hell b/c he never heard the word of Jesus. My response was we have a conscience. But my answer wasn’t sufficient, even for myself. I know God is fair and just, and if someone sincerely was seeking him with no contact with a Christian, he would bring that person the truth. But how do I answer this question correctly?
Can God Change His Mind?
Published: August 5, 2021In the OT, I think, there was a passage where God was actually persuaded to change His mind when someone petitioned Him. These verses have troubled me since our Bible class studied it. How could God be petitioned to change His mind? I can hardly fathom that thought from an all-knowing, perfect God.
Thanks so much in advance, for helping me sort these issues out, as they are very troubling for me. You are greatly appreciated.
About The Garden Of Eden
Published: August 5, 2021I love your site! It has been such a huge blessing for me. Thank you for your faithfulness!! I have a few questions for you:
If God is all-knowing and omniscient and knew before Satan and man were created what would happen with the rebellion and the fall, why did He create them?
And, in the Garden of Eden, could God have just made them incorruptible THEN (or prior to their creation) instead of letting them become corruptible since He knew from before they were created that they would be corrupted?
And, lastly, why did He create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil when he KNEW they were going to eat it. I’ve always found this concept difficult to understand. Why do something to tempt humans like that by putting a tree there and then saying “don’t eat it” when you could have just NOT made the tree, since you KNEW that they were going to eat it before they did it.
Age Of The Earth?
Published: August 5, 2021I have a question regarding how old the earth is. Some scientists say that it is a billion years old but I have heard in the ‘Christian circles’ that it is only 6,000 years old. Who is right? What about the dinosaur bones that date millions of years and all the ‘old fossils’? I am quite ignorant when it comes to this topic and would like some info. I think it is important for us Christians to know this in order to refute evolution theories and be able to witness to those who believe in evolution through science. Thanks!
Book Of Remembrance
Published: August 4, 2021Jack could you please teach me about the Book of Remembrance found in Malachi 3:16? Thanks!!
Gibeonites And Foreign Wives
Published: August 4, 2021In 1 Sam 21, we read that God was displeased because Saul had not honored a covenant agreement with the Gibeonites, even though the oath was gained dishonestly; thus whatever the reason for the covenant having been made – it should be honored. Why then, was it permitted in the book of Ezra to ‘put away’ the non-Jewish wives whom they had taken in disobedience.