Is It Our Choice Or God’s
Published: January 20, 2021I recently read Romans 9 NLT. The part I am struggling with is “Gods prerogative”. The explanation is given in Romans 9:21. However, a clay pot does not have a soul, feelings or emotion. It does not care what it is. There is a big difference. God can obviously do what He wants, but it seems that it would interfere with his “LOVE and GRACE for EVERYONE”.
If God selects the people He wants to accept Him and selects the people He wants to reject Him before they ever exist then the ones who reject HIM are sent to hell for eternity is definitely not fair. Then we are told how we dare argue with God to even ask such a question. If God wants his people to “CHOOSE” to Love Him, He cannot force them by election. Also, the whole concept of spreading the Gospel is pointless other than being obedient. I sometimes feel as though I am one of those people God chose to send to destruction.
So is salvation “possible” for everyone or only the “elect”?
Am I In A Seeker Friendly Church?
Published: January 19, 2021I have a question concerning the seeker/friendly church. The church I attend is very seeker/friendly I think. For example their are no crosses put in the church or at least where they may be a “distraction” because “we want to be sensitive to new people who are coming in for the first time.” The open study of end times is considered a distraction from the mission of the church and is not considered a priority.
Also lately I have considered giving my tithe to another ministry, one where it is being used to truely push the Kingdom forward in serious ways. It seems that the churches tithes are going toward paying off a building that was filled with expensive stuff. What do you think?
Losing The Joy Of Our Salvation
Published: December 31, 2020I was having dinner with my (Christian) sister last night and started to tell her about something funny a pastor said, and she said that was wrong to say. She becomes smug about Christian beliefs. Her husband told her she was being self-righteous. She was saved before me so I get the impression that she thinks she’s a “better” Christian.
The same sister has another daughter who was married a year ago to a man with the last name of “Butts”. They are all Christians. She got together with them and had a picture taken with their backs to the camera, half bending over but looking at the camera. It says “Merry Christmas….from the Butts”. I think it’s cute but my sister thinks it’s unbiblical. She said the butt is a sexual part of the body and they should not have done that. She likened it to Sodom and Gomorrah. I think this is really stretching it and I don’t see anything wrong with the picture. What do you think?
Why Did God Judge Eve, Follow Up
Published: December 31, 2020In your Ask a Bible Teacher section, I came upon this question, Why Did God Judge Eve First? and have a question of my own.
In Genesis 3:6 – “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.”
Does “with her” mean at the time of her conversation with the serpent? If Adam was with her, had he not already sinned by allowing her to eat of the fruit?
Tis The Season, Follow Up
Published: December 30, 2020The time of Jesus birth was at the Fall Feast of Tabernacles. ( He tabernacles with us, God with us, His name Emanuel, God with us) Not The Jewish new year. He was born in a booth that was commanded from God that the Jews do during the feast of booths. The table inside the booth that they put the holy bread on is called a manger. (Jesus, bread of life placed on a table, manger) Just wanted you to know so we can more accurately celebrate our Wonderful Lord!
Why Did Jesus Visit Hell And Who Were The Herods?
Published: December 30, 2020I really enjoy your site. I have 2 questions. First, why did Jesus descend into hell before his resurrection? Second, in a National Geographic issue, there is an article on Herod. Was there more than one Herod, and if so, when did each of them live? Thank you for your work.
A Selfish God?
Published: December 29, 2020I have been reading your posts this week. I am not completely satisfied with the answer that several have asked. I am not interested in the answers that have been given. I know we are given free will and all that. But I feel the question has not been answered in full. God knew before the foundations of the earth everything that was going to happen. Then why would he create this world knowing some would go to hell. To me this is a selfish God, and much like us.
What Did Jesus Write?
Published: December 29, 2020I have a question which I have always wondered about. When the woman caught in adultery was about to be stoned, the Bible says that Jesus wrote something in the dirt. What was it that he wrote, and why did He do that? Thank you very much for your answer to this question and to all the other questions that you have answered for me and so many others through your daily posts.
I Am The Lord Who Heals You
Published: December 28, 2020I recently read an article that says if we, believers, ask the Lord to heal us, there are certain terms. We have to live obedient lives and if somebody is living in sin, he mustn’t expect the Lord to heal him. I immediately remembered my besetting sin. So, to those of us who have besetting sins praying for healing is in vain? According to the author when the Lord first called Himself our Healer He promised to the Jews that He would only defend them from all the Egyptian diseases if they kept His commandments and were obedient to Him.
What Would The Lord Say To Us, Follow Up
Published: December 28, 2020I wanted to follow up with a question in response to your answer of this question. I do agree with you that we should not “store up treasures here”, I also see that God provides us with wisdom to discern our times and to make preparation. I also see the example of Joseph in Egypt, discerning the king’s dream and knowing that 7 years of drought were coming. So he instructs the king to “store up” enough provision in the good years to provide for the people of Egypt, and more importantly God’s real intention was to save Israel by bringing them into the land to sustain and bless them. I guess the real issue is the “storing up”. Are we doing this to hoard for ourselves and form some false protection, or are we being wise in order to sustain our families in rough times?