Ask a Bible Teacher

A Second Chance For Salvation?

Published: May 19, 2021

An article I read recently claims that the unsaved dead don’t suffer eternal punishment, but will have a chance to accept salvation at the Great White Throne judgment if they’ve never heard the Gospel before. If they accept they’ll be saved then, and if not they’ll be destroyed along with all the others who rejected Jesus. Overall I don’t agree with a lot of the things they say here, because the references, or lack of, don’t directly support what they say, even though they write it as if they do. Overall, what is your view on the existence of Hell, and what they say in the article about certain people getting a ‘second chance’ at the White Throne Judgment?

What’s The Point?

Published: May 19, 2021

If God knows exactly what the outcome is of every decision we make before we do, what is the point of our life? I know He gave us free will, but if He already knows what we are going to do before we do it, and already knows who will be saved and who won’t be, why are we even here ? Why didn’t God just skip this “earthly life” and go straight to “happily ever after”?

Animal Sacrifice In The Kingdom

Published: May 19, 2021

I was reading the last few chapters of Ezekiel and noticed that in the reign with Christ, they will keep temple sacrifice. I thought that Jesus was the final sacrifice? My husband said that some people think it is in remembrance of what Christ did, but that doesn’t make sense to me. Why wouldn’t we do that now? I am confused, can you please help me out?

Passover Confusion?

Published: May 14, 2021

Why does it sound like Jesus and the disciples are celebrating Passover on the first day of the Feast of Unleaven which begins the day after passover? I am confused about the time line of when Jesus and his disciples ate the Passover meal, and when Jesus was crucified. The Gospel accounts seem to contradict themselves.

Leviticus 23 says Passover begins on the 14th and The Feast of Unleaven on the 15th. And the Passover Lamb from Exodus 12 was to be slaughtered and consumed on the 14th, Passover.

Do you have any articles that address this issue?

Now What Do I Do?

Published: May 14, 2021

I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in His divinity. I believe He is my Savior. I read His Bible. I spend time praying and speaking quietly with Him. But what else do I do?

Sequence Of The First Resurrection

Published: May 13, 2021

A post-trib believer is demanding Scriptural proof from me that the first resurrection really is divided into several phases. If you can lead me to the Bible passages I need to share with him, I’d be most grateful.

OSAS, Another Look

Published: May 13, 2021

First I just want to say that I really enjoy your website and what you guys are doing. I especially like your articles on the fulfillment of prophecy in present day.

My question pertains to eternal security. I understand that as a Christ follower that God continually forgives us of our sins because if not then no one could be saved (because as sinful humans we fall time and time again) and Christ would have died in vain. However my question is… Can someone who believes in God, repented of his/her sins, and has been born again, actively choose to lose their salvation? Why anyone would want to do that I don’t know. I believe that you can because God has given us free choice. If we can’t then God gave us free choice to choose to love him but once that is done not free choice to choose not love him. I believe that this is the unforgivable sin that is spoken about in Matthew 12:32. I also think that this is the meaning of Hebrews 6:4-6.

I read your article on Hebrews 6:4-6, “You’ll be Safe Here … A Commentary on Hebrews 6” but I don’t understand where you got “falling away” to mean going back to the rituals of the law. Where do you get this information from?

Gifts In The Church

Published: May 6, 2021

Our son-in-law who attends a Baptist Church said his Sunday School teacher is going to talk about the “gifts.” He believes that they were given to the early church but are not for use today.

What is a good way to respond to this teaching?

Thanks for your help and consistently excellent articles.

Clean And Unclean Animals

Published: May 6, 2021

I know that the declaration of some animals as unclean by God was to prevent disease. Is it also possible that certain animals were listed an abomination because Satan broke laws, unknown to us, when forming these creatures? Or maybe after the Flood, he continued his genetics program and the unclean animals lost their perfect assimilation of genes and therefore were declared unclean. Why do you feel certain animals were listed as unclean, or even worse, an abomination?

The Holy Spirit, In Us And Upon Us

Published: April 20, 2021

Recently, our pastor gave a message on the Holy Spirit regarding the Greek words ‘en’ and ‘epi’ (the Holy Spirit being ‘in’ a Christian and ‘upon’ a Christian) and said there was a difference. He explained that ‘en’ happened at the time of salvation, which I already knew, of course, but the ‘epi’ , I had not heard of before happened when a Christian had a deeper relationship with Christ and then would receive miracles and blessings. I know blessings happen when we are in fellowship with Christ. I didn’t know about the Holy Spirit being upon us as different from being in us. I would like your thoughts on this and did I understand him correctly?