Ask a Bible Teacher

OSAS. No Repentance No Conversion?

Published: March 24, 2021

I know how strongly you believe in OSAS. But what about “believers” who have never been taught about the need for repentance? Isn’t it true that no repentance is evidence of no conviction, which means no conversion? These people may think they’re saved forever, but are they?

Being Filled With The Holy Spirit

Published: March 10, 2021

My question regards being filled with The Holy Spirit. I do not speak in tongues nor do I have a prayer language, although I have prayed and prayed to receive such. However, I feel God with me all the time. He answers my prayers ALL THE TIME. I know without a doubt that I am HIS and He is my Lord, King and Savior (and that should be enough right?) But is there anything in scriptures (other than the gift of tongues) that is evidence that The Holy Spirit is residing in a person? I would like to reference a scripture when talking to my daughters about this.

Confirming The 3 Day 3 Night Scenario

Published: March 10, 2021

I recently found your article entitled “solving the three day, three night mystery” in which you provide evidence for a Thursday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection. It was very helpful and I want to thank you for your efforts. In it you state “…at sunrise it was Friday day, day two” This leads me to ask what is meant in Luke 24:21 when Jesus met with the men on the road to Emmaus and they told him that it was the “third day since all this took place.

The road to Emmaus event took place on Sunday day (day three according to them) which would make Saturday day 2 and Friday day 1 since Christ was crucified. I just wonder how you make the 3 days 3 nights of Matthew 12:40, plus the Thursday crucifixion theory fit with Luke 24:21?

Loss Of Purpose

Published: March 8, 2021

Recently, I feel like I’ve lost my sense of purpose. Since I believe the Lord’s return is right around the corner, maintaining my current schedule seems pointless to me. I spend most of my time either working or studying – and it kills me to know that I could be spending this time with my family. I’ve talked to my wife about this, and she believes that I should continue doing what I have been doing, in case the end is not as close as I think. What’s your opinion?

44 Commandments To Keep?

Published: March 8, 2021

The Pastor on Sunday was teaching on Discipleship and how we can be better disciples for Christ, He was drawing from (an apparently popular book) I have never read or even heard of. The Pastor said that we needed to Love God with all of our Hearts, Minds and Souls, and that this is a commandment, which I agreed with. He went on to say in order to show God that we loved him we needed to follow and obey all of Jesus’ Commandments in the New Testament and he listed about 44 of them. He then said that if we do not follow these then we don’t love God and we aren’t saved. He even said that our salvation is based on a lot more than a little prayer we said when we accepted Christ.

Should I Tell Her Everything?

Published: March 8, 2021

I’ve had a great problem with lusting after women and really being a womanizer. I was unfaithful to my wife and our marriage was headed for divorce. At that time I got on my knees and cried out for mercy from God. He answered swiftly and restored my marriage (absolute miracle) and gave me another chance. I took a step in faith and confessed to my wife what I had been doing and she forgave me. But recently I’ve been fighting off thoughts that I have not been forgiven because I haven’t told my wife every single detail of what I’ve done. Your advice would be appreciated.

Rewards In Heaven

Published: March 5, 2021

I’m terrified that I’m a waste of Christ’s blood, and when I die I won’t get any rewards. I can’t help be scared. I was a dud Christian that didn’t even deposit the one talent I was given to get interest. Is it wrong for me to think this way?

How Can I Expect To Be Forgiven?

Published: March 5, 2021

4 yrs ago I lost my wife. We served and loved the Lord for many years together. I led her to Him and know with all my heart she was saved and now is with Him. But since this happened I have slid so far from God. I have withdrawn from any organized church teachings, for I was led to believe that with prayer and faith my wife wouldn’t die. I was told that just by speaking it in faith and standing on his word she would be healed. I did all that and when my wife was called home I lost my faith in Him. Now I have this deep yearning to get back. But how do I ask Him to forgive me for the bitterness I have had and really expect to be forgiven?

Is Salvation Complicated?

Published: March 5, 2021

Through my studies in soteriology I have reached some confusion regarding the atonement of Christ. When the Bible says to believe in Christ, does that include understanding/believing the significance of Jesus’ blood; what about the exact happenings of Jesus sacrifice onward, like if it was on a cross, and if He went to heaven to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat in Heaven, etc. It seems like there are so many add-ons and technicalities to ‘believe in Jesus.’ The way to salvation is something that we just can’t afford to get wrong- and yet, it seems so easy to make some kind of mistake that could end up sending one to Hell.

A Question About Predestination

Published: March 4, 2021

In Ephesians 1:5 Paul writes, “Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.” Now I understand that every time we see predestined in the scriptures, it is talking about foreknowing. So, this means God knew us before we were born and knew how we would respond to His plan of salvation. I understand that God did not create us to accept, nor did He create some not to accept, He just knew who would accept. My question is, knowing who would accept and who wouldn’t, why did he create those that He knew wouldn’t?