Ask a Bible Teacher

Will We Be Judged For Unconfessed Sins?

Published: October 16, 2024

I recently heard a teacher state that Christians will be judged for their sins which have not been confessed. He said that if sins were confessed and forgiveness was asked, the sins would not have to be accounted for. However, he said that if we have unconfessed sin, we will be judged for it, not for salvation, but be judged for it nevertheless. Is this something that is Biblical? I can’t seem to find this teaching for judgment of Christians for their sins.

Unity In The Church?

Published: October 15, 2024

Would you take time, possibly, to address a concern I have about unity of the Spirit – no differentiation between the Jew/Greek/bond/free/male/female – and the nationality issue? I’m speaking specifically about those who are Jewish Christians. Is it a natural response to being saved as a Jew to consider oneself different from Gentile Christians?

Winning The Victory Crown

Published: October 15, 2024

Let me say first of all that I love your site – it is amazing and so informative. I was reading 1 Cor 9:24-27 and my question is what is the crown that we are obtaining here? (I know it is not salvation) Also, what is the meaning of the strict training?

Why Pray If God Already Knows The Outcome?

Published: October 15, 2024

My Husband and I were having the discussion on prayer. How do you explain to someone that even when God already knows the outcome of something, he still wants us to pray. Can you please explain this?

Becoming What We Already Are

Published: October 14, 2024

I know your site well enough to know that you say “You are saved by what you believe, not how you behave.” Though I completely agree with you, I still run across Biblical “scholars” that say things like this:

“I spent most of my younger years believing I was a Christian, but one day a born again believer explained what it took to be a Christian and I realized I had been wrong for years; I had swallowed the lie. There must be a conversion from a life of sin to a new creature who repents and turns from sin.”

I know that as God’s children, we should strive to be more Christ-like every day, but this sounds like another example of belief plus works. Would you agree?

Repent And Be Saved. What Does It Mean?

Published: October 14, 2024

What part does repentance have in becoming saved? We often read we must just ask for forgiveness and believe in Jesus.

It Hinges Upon The Meaning Of One Little Word

Published: October 14, 2024

I have a question about Revelation 3:10, I understand post trib rapture believers say that Revelation 3:10 implies protection while through but not removal from the tribulation. Pre-tribbers claim the word “from” in the Greek [ek] means “out of.” Therefore, we claim we will be physically kept “out of” the tribulation. Post-tribbers claim that the meaning of “ek” would more accurately be translated “out from among,” or “out of the midst of.” They say this is how it is defined in the Greek lexicons. In Rev. 3:10, the object is the tribulation. In order to come “out from among” the tribulation you must first be IN the tribulation.

Worshiping God

Published: October 11, 2024

We have a new pastor and he has been very persistent about how the congregation praises the Lord. He wants everyone to raise their hands, shout and move about. Many in the congregation, including me, don’t always feel comfortable doing this. From time to time, I have raised my hands to the Lord but I don’t do it all the time. I was raised singing the old hymns and they speak to my heart and soul but the new pastor is insisting on singing the newer contemporary songs. The newer songs seem very repetitive to me and they go on and on without seeming to have an ending. What I need to know is…does the Lord expect everyone to raise their hands and shout to show praise to Him? Is He disappointed when I don’t do this? This really bothers me and I don’t want the Lord to be unhappy with the way I praise Him.

Eating And Drinking With Drunkards?

Published: October 11, 2024

I have learned from reading Gracethrufaith that Matt. 24 is about the surviving Jews at the end of the tribulation. However I am wondering about your opinion concerning Matt. 24:49. These people were judged by what they had done. My wife and I are invited to an Octoberfest party and it does give me pause to know we will be eating and drinking with drunkards. I feel if we don’t go it will send a message that we are too good to spend time with old friends. I know this has nothing to do with my salvation however I want to do what is pleasing to the Lord. Any thoughts how God views these things is greatly appreciated.


Where Are We In The Bible?

Published: October 11, 2024

I have been an avid reader of your blog and books for many years – Thank you for the great amount of learning that you have provided to all of us. Today at my weekly church service I was listening to my pastor talk about the wonderful story of grace that the bible explains, and then he asked a question that made me really think. He asked the congregation, “Where are we currently in the wonderful story of the bible?” He then opened the bible to the page that was just between Jude and Revelation. Do you think is this correct? Are we just in the before or just into the beginning of Revelation?