Ask a Bible Teacher

The Third Heaven

Published: August 1, 2015

Can you tell me what or where is third heaven?

Is Satan Still In Heaven?

Published: July 30, 2015

After reading and studying Revelation, am I to understand that Satan still has access to Heaven? It’s only during the tribulation period he is going to be ‘cast out’ of there, I thought he was booted out when he became a fallen angel? Does this mean those in Heaven can see or talk with him?  Can you clear this up for me?

Are We Hedging Our Bets? Follow Up

Published: July 30, 2015
Q I read your article (several times) entitled “Are We Hedging Our Bets.”  Thank you for sharing what God put on your heart.  It is something I needed to hear once again. In the article, you said yes, according to Mark 10:21, in response to the question should we give everything to the poor and live hand to mouth.  In the article I read, the author gives a different reason for why Jesus told the rich  young ruler to sell everything.  In addition, many prominent pastors also say it is not wrong to have possessions, just that they should not have us. Although, I will say that what you wrote resonates more with my heart. Could you explain why these pastors have this interpretation of the rich young ruler  why it is different than what you stated. This has been something that I’ve wondered about over the years.

Losing Our Crowns?

Published: July 30, 2015

When the prodigal returned, his father welcomed him with open arms. But, there is no example of his father giving him another inheritance. Does this mean that when we fall out of fellowship with Christ that we lose any crowns we may have earned and they will not be restored upon repentance but we  will have to earn them anew?

Asking Forgiveness In Heaven?

Published: July 29, 2015

Will it be possible when we get to heaven to see a loved one and ask them to forgive you for something you did but never apologized to them while they were with you? I know they are in heaven and I just want to put my arms around them and ask for forgiveness.

Babylon Or Gog Magog?

Published: July 29, 2015

I’ve been studying the Book of Revelation tonight and run into a puzzle. In Rev 16:13-16, it says the demons went out to the gather the kings of the earth for battle. At least in my Bible (the NASB) the next battle turns out to be the victory over Babylon (Rev 17-18). Then later at the end of the 1000 year reign we have another battle with Gog and Magog mentioned (Rev 20:7-10). Hence my question; is the battle of Armageddon the victory over Babylon to end the 70th week or Gog Magog to end the millennium? Or am I wrong on both concepts?


Luke Warm Believers

Published: July 28, 2015

After reading your study on the seven churches of Rev. 2-3 I have a question. How can a true believer be lukewarm? Is that even possible?

Extreme Weather

Published: July 28, 2015

It seems like the weather is getting more and more extreme. Floods, violent wind, hurricanes, drought, fires, major earthquakes. Do you believe this is a sign of the times?

Will We Need Food or Not?

Published: July 28, 2015

Thank you for the study on Revelation-my question is about the New Jerusalem–I was always taught that in Heaven we in our perfected bodies would have no need for food or drink or anything else we have here as humans because we died and gained eternity with Him. But in your study it looks as though we will eat etc. because those on “earth” will bring it to us–help I am so confused!

Is My Dream Catcher An Idol?

Published: July 28, 2015

Recently I had a conversation with another Christian friend re dream catchers.  Several years ago  I worked on a Navajo Indian Reservation for one summer.  During that time I bought many souvenirs.  I found a beautiful dream catcher I liked so I bought it.   It ended up hanging off my mantle in my downstairs family room.  I really never gave it a lot of thought.  My friend feels it’s something evil, like an idol I suppose.  I never viewed it as such and certainly would never hang it over my bed hoping to filter out bad dreams. Did I use poor judgment in bringing it home?