Children Conceived After The Rapture
Published: May 7, 2015Would you please comment on LK 21:23/MT 24:19? It is a common belief that children under the age of accountability will be raptured. The same for the pre-born. Are the children and pre-born referred to in these passages conceived after the rapture? Or is this something specific concerning the nation Israel?
Are We Still 1000’s Of Years Away?
Published: May 7, 2015With regards to end time prophecy, some theories that I have read lately suggest that specific prophecies (including the Olivet discourse) are being made to ‘fit’ with events that are happening at present and are just a matter of interpretation; they teach that the end times could still be thousands of years away. I would appreciate your thoughts.
How Were Man And Woman Created?
Published: May 7, 2015Help!! KJV – Gen 1:27 – God created Man – male and female? Then Gen 2:7 God formed man from dust and breathed life into him? I cannot find and clear understanding of these two passages. So was the first created man both male and female? And then the man “formed” from dust? Thanks much!
A Place Reserved For One
Published: May 6, 2015Several years ago a beloved pastor, who has since gone home to be with the Lord, and a few of us were having a discussion about the anti-Christ when he told us that Judas, after he betrayed Jesus, hanged himself and “went to a place reserved for one.” We were conjecturing what that could have meant.
In Acts 1:25 it says “… from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.” What do you think the significance if any might be that Judas went to “his own place?” Do you think it is possible that Judas could be resurrected as the Anti Christ?
A Beating From The Lord?
Published: May 6, 2015Who does Luke 12:47 and 48 refer to, i. e. who gets the beating? Is it church members at the Bema Seat or is it other people? Actually I don’t think that it is at the Bema Seat. But I heard a pastor on radio claim this. Can you please shed some spiritual light on this?
Trusting The Word Of God
Published: May 6, 2015I am talking to some atheists and scientists and they have compelling arguments against Noah’s Ark and the flood. I just believed it and have read and listened to Christians talk about the corrupted DNA of the Nephilim and animals. The atheists talk about how it would be impossible to have every land animal and take care of them and their waste for forty days. How would you respond?
Back To The Law?
Published: May 5, 2015I have a question pertaining to Israel and re-establishing the old covenant. Israel’s return to God will come after the battle of Ezekiel 38-39, and the Jewish people will re-establish their covenant (old not new) with Him. This will require a return to Levitical practices and so a Temple will be built. In the New Testament, it states that Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. If Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, why is the law re-established? Even after God’s people finally recognize Christ as the Messiah, is the old law still practiced? If so, what is the purpose of practicing the law if Israel’s salvation is through Christ?
Not Until 2050?
Published: May 5, 2015I have a question about something you wrote in Sunday’s Q&A (re Christians leaving the Church). At the end of the response, you included this sentence: “Finally, I believe as you do that the year 2050 will probably find us somewhere in the early stages of the Millennium.”
Please – Can you expound on this? It caught my eye and interest. I am hoping we’ll be taken well before 2050!
Is This Passage For Me?
Published: May 5, 2015I read your article “How can I tell if an Old Testament verse is for me?” and you stated that you can tell if it applies to you by the context. I visit prisoners thru a church ministry. In Matthew 25:34-40, Jesus says “Blessed are you for doing these things for me”. I think Matthew 24-25 is written to the Jews. So does that mean only Jews should be visiting prisoners, and doesn’t apply to me?
Raising The Dead
Published: May 4, 2015I absolutely love your site, I read it daily first thing in the morning with my cup of coffee before I start my day. I cannot count the ways that it has literally changed my life and the way I conduct myself in every aspect of my life. However, I have a question that has been nagging at me for years and I hope that you can provide an answer. If the Bible says that it is appointed for men to die but once, then why are there reports of people (along with miraculous healings) being raised from the dead as you have mentioned in other sections of your site?