Ask a Bible Teacher

Spotting Giftedness

Published: March 30, 2015

I believe in the gifts of the Spirit, but how do we recognize them in ourselves mechanically speaking? Do you know of any studies that spell out what the exact signs are that you may have a particular gift? Any help is appreciated. God Bless.

Tribulation Salvation

Published: March 30, 2015

What is the criteria for Tribulation Salvation? I mean, now, the salvation is by grace through faith. The Holy Spirit will be taken away. Is the tribulation salvation by faith plus works or by works alone, or what?

Are These People Saved Or Not?

Published: March 30, 2015

Whilst listening to a pastor preaching the gospel, something really stood out regarding the committing of oneself to Christ. The pastor pointed out that there are many people who believe they are saved, purely because they said a ‘sinners prayer’ accepting that Jesus died for their sins. The aspect which he believed was missing was a conviction of sin and repentance. He spoke of being ‘salt’ and ‘light’ and not being conformed to this world. He spoke of God’s Righteousness and Holiness and commented that most salvation messages had eliminated these elements of ‘repent and turn from your sins’. Are people who just say the sinner’s prayer saved or not?

Wisdom Is Justified Of All Her Children

Published: March 30, 2015

I’m somewhat uncertain what Jesus meant when in Luke 7:35 He told the multitude, “But wisdom is justified of all her children”. Was He simply reproving and explaining to this vast crowd of curious and inquiring people, or did He intend a deeper understanding for some as he included the word “all”?

Is The Father Greater Than The Son?

Published: March 30, 2015

I am having trouble with Jesus’ statement in John 14: 28. “You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.” Did He say this because He was still on earth?

When Do We Stop Praying?

Published: March 30, 2015

I have a question regarding praying for our country. Referring to Jeremiah 7:16, isn’t there a point where God’s patience runs out and His mind is made up regarding the fate of a peoples. I can’t help but think that the United States has reached that point where we have stuck our finger in His eye one time too many and judgement is sure to come. How can we know when we have reached this point?

Confused About Luke 21

Published: March 28, 2015

I am confused by Luke 21 and hope you can clarify it for me. Does this chapter concern the Tribulation period? If so, and if we believe the Rapture won’t happen until the ‘times of the Gentiles be fulfilled’ then Luke 21:24 appears to mean the Rapture won’t be experienced until sometime during the Tribulation, and yet that seams to be contradicted in Luke 21:36.

Pre Trib or Mid Trib?

Published: March 27, 2015

In ll Thes. 2:7-8 it’s telling us that the restrainer is not taken out of the way until just before the antichrist is revealed when he stands in the temple and claims himself to be God. This is the middle of the tribulation. Can you shed some light on this? Because I’m really looking forward to getting out of here!

A Question On Joel 2

Published: March 27, 2015

My question has to do with the book of Joel and chapter two in particular. The more that I study the bible the more I see a vast distinction between Israel and the Church. Chapter two of Joel clearly is about Israel and it appears to me that it is about Israel after the rapture. I have for my entire life been taught and believed that Joel 2:28 is primarily about the church with the Holy Spirit being poured out “on all people.” But verse 28 begins with “and afterward” with the context about the “Day of the Lord.” Verse 29 says “I will pour out my Spirit in those days.” To me these scriptures talks about God pouring out His Spirit on all people during the tribulation days.

Should We say Anything?

Published: March 27, 2015

Some friends and I have been agonizing over taking a stand as it relates to a popular female teacher whose studies are promoted in our church. Our issue is not that we question this teacher’s love of the Lord Jesus Christ, or her sincere heart, but rather many aspects of her teachings. In our opinion she often takes Scriptures out of context as proof texts for the point she is making, and advocates practices that we think come from New Age religion . Should we just not go to the study and remain quiet, or should we state our concerns to the leadership?