Shed Blood Or Death?
Published: March 14, 2015I believe that Jesus paid the penalty for my sin by dying on the cross. But, I was told by a deacon that I have to believe Christ literally “shed his blood” and died to pay the penalty for my sin. My question is, was it both his blood and death that paid the penalty? I’m really confused because I thought I only had to accept his death as full payment.
Is It A Sin To Marry An Unbeliever?
Published: March 14, 2015I have a question regarding myself being a believer and being married to an unbeliever. When I married my husband, I thought that he believed in Jesus as our savior. I hate to admit it but back then we both were not attending church and I didn’t know until we were married 15 years that my husband misled me. He thinks we evolved from Apes. Is my marriage to him a sin? I pray that he will accept Christ and realize his thoughts on evolution is incorrect. Doesn’t Jesus want us to bring people like my husband to him? I love reading your site and thank you for blessing me with tons of inspiration and devotion time.
Destroying Iran. Follow Up
Published: March 14, 2015Re: Destroying Iran? It seems that Israel could very well strike and destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities without destroying their capability to wage war with conventional weapons. Wouldn’t an attack by Israel be likely to bring on the attack of Ezekiel 38 rather that thwart it?
Israel’s Coming Election
Published: March 14, 2015I’m curious as to your thoughts on the Israeli elections next week. If the left-leaning coalition wins, and Netanyahu is replaced as Prime Minister by Herzog, it would seem a potential major turning point with respect to end times prophecy, Israel’s future, and specifically, the division of Jerusalem.
Praying In The Spirit
Published: March 14, 2015What exactly does it mean to “pray in the spirit” as mentioned in the following scripture excerpts? But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18
Destroying Iran?
Published: March 14, 2015I just read an interesting article about the possibilities if Israel was allowed to destroy Iran. It would prevent Persia from acting out her role in Gog and Magog for a generation, taking us beyond this generation that shall not pass before the Second Coming. Thus Israel will be prevented, as no nation can foil God’s prophetic word. Do you agree with this writer’s conclusions?
Rapture As Reward
Published: March 13, 2015Let’s say a person fully leans on faith in God thru Jesus Christ, tries not to sin, prays, repents, is baptized, and reliant on Holy Spirit for daily life … also knowing that this life can change at any time according to the end times and God’s will. Yet this person is not sure as to the mechanics or theology surrounding the “rapture”. Will such persons who are following Jesus, still be taken if indeed the rapture is the “reward” for being a believer?
Another Gap Of Time?
Published: March 13, 2015I came to know the Lord in the 1970s and at that time we were taught that the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation were virtually synonymous. Now all the teaching postulates a gap between the Rapture and Tribulation and this troubles me greatly as to what exactly this time period would be called in the nomenclature of dispensations and what would happen to believers in that time period who get saved after the Rapture but before the start of the 70th week. Are they part of the church or of Israel? Or is there something new?
The Only Two Step Healing
Published: March 13, 2015First let me say how much I love your web site and how much you have taught me. My question is in Mark 8: 22-25. This is the first and only time I’ve seen where it took Jesus twice to heal someone. The blind man in Bethsaida. Do you know of any other place something like this takes place? Is there anything special we can learn from this passage?
The Times Of The Gentiles
Published: March 12, 2015Why do you and many others refer to the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles as starting with Nebuchadnezzar instead of earlier when the Assyrians conquered northern Israel? Why isn’t that part of the reigning and trampling of Gentiles?