Bema Seat And Judgment Seat
Published: February 15, 2015I know that there is a judgment seat of Christ and a Great White Throne Judgment in the Bible. Years ago I recall my Grandfather talking about a Bema Seat Judgment, but I can find nothing in my King James Version about it. He spoke of its meaning as the same as the Judgment Seat of Christ. Do you know anything about this?
Soul Ties
Published: February 15, 2015I have several friends that have a thing about soul ties. Have you ever heard of this? They seem to think any ex or lover or whatever you’ve touched leaves you bound to them in some way. Emotionally, spiritually, just whatever. And of course it must be dealt with, and from what I can gather it’s a painful and difficult ordeal.
Continuing To Sin
Published: February 14, 2015Re: 1 John 3:6-10. The Bible speaks clearly here that if a person continues to sin after having obviously made a genuine profession of faith and demonstrated it for years and who is deeply spiritual, that he is lost. How can that be since the person’s prior walk demonstrated very clearly that he was saved. In fact in spite of sexual immorality the person continues to preach the clear gospel. But since he keeps on sinning this passage says he has never known Christ and the man is positive that he has known him.
Millennial Life Spans
Published: February 14, 2015Will all the righteous who enter into the millennium (and born during it) live to see Satan released at the end? I know the Bible says that a sinner will die 100 years old but it doesn’t give a number for the righteous. It just compares their life length to that of a tree. Kind of like what happened with Rayford in the Left Behind series. He lived through the 7 years AND the entire 1000 year reign of Christ.
Man’s Final Rebellion
Published: February 14, 2015God’s promises for the Millennium are Edenic. “They shall no more hurt or destroy…;” lion and lamb; lion eats straw; child plays with viper, etc. “No more” sounds like “never,” so the promised Edenic environment is permanent. On the other hand, we are told of sin increasing generation after generation during the Millennium. Is it possible that the two Millennial views will be contemporaneous?
Where Were Their Spirits?
Published: February 14, 2015This question came up in Bible Study today as we were studying being “asleep” in Christ in 1 Thessalonians. I understand that Lazarus was raised pre-resurrection of Christ so his spirit went to Sheol and was recalled, I guess. But the episode with Dorcas occurred post-resurrection. What happened to her spirit since she was a believer? Surely, she wasn’t recalled from heaven. I suppose the boy in the window who fell as Paul was preaching would fall into the same category if he was a believer. Your ministry is of enormous consequence. Please keep up the great insights.
Not Saved But Didn’t Take The Mark
Published: February 13, 2015What will become of the non-believers who have not come to faith prior to the Second Coming, yet have managed to survive through the Tribulation era while refusing to take the mark? Will these individuals also take part in the repopulating of the planet during the Millennial Era along with the Tribulation Saints, or will they suffer the same fate as those who willingly took the mark, and are part of the antichrist system?
Ezekiel 38 And The Rapture
Published: February 12, 2015I have listened to your teaching on the battle of Ezekiel 38 and the timing of the rapture. I am confused as how this is related to Romans 11:25, (For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.) Does this mean that when the “last” Gentile person is saved that the battle begins and the church is raptured, or are these events unrelated?
More On Revival Before Rapture
Published: February 12, 2015I love your website. Very clear teaching. I am looking forward to being raptured but I also have a longing to be used of the Lord in healing and deliverance to see our Lord glorified and many people added to the Church. I’ve read and heard prophecies from authors and speakers about a great revival before the bride goes up in the rapture. What are your views about this?
Dominion Theology
Published: February 12, 2015There seems to be a huge move of the Spirit in the world with many souls coming to Christ. People in South America, Asia, Africa, Muslim nations etc. This doesn’t seem to be happening in the U.S. as it is in these nations. I have looked on the internet and found many of our well known religious leaders prophesying that in 2015 a great outpouring will take place here. At the same time their prophesying seems tainted with, that the U.S. will regain it’s prominence in the world and a new political freedom will emerge. That part of their prophesying doesn’t add up with the political climate that has emerged in the last 20 years or so. Do you have any wisdom on the future of the U.S. in light of what these people say they are hearing from God?