Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Are They So Vitriolic?

Published: November 5, 2014

Why is it that those who oppose the rapture are so vitriolic in their opposition, sometimes to the point of saying that those who believe that the Bible clearly teaches this are believing a lie and are deceived?

No Mention Of The Rapture?

Published: November 2, 2014

I have listened to all your messages and read your articles on the rapture. The Holy Spirit has led you to do a great job of studying the scriptures and coming up with your reasoning on the rapture coming at pre tribulation. You left no doubt in my mind as to agreeing with you fully, until I was listening to a pastor who was being interviewed about the rapture. His point of view was that he didn’t believe in any rapture of the church, and that even the scriptures don’t come right out and mention the word rapture in them. I even looked up rapture in the bible dictionaries, and the word rapture is not listed. The pastor being interviewed did not convince me to change my mind, but I was just wondering why God left such a grey area when writing about his church being raptured resulting in different interpretations?

More On Peace And Safety

Published: November 2, 2014

I’ve noticed that you believe the people of the world will be in a brief period of peace and safety when suddenly destruction will befall them. I was wondering if the people might actually be crying “peace and safety” because they want peace and safety? It seems to me that the world is willing to sacrifice it’s freedoms for a little peace and safety right now. Could this be a viable way to interpret that verse?

Are We All Watchmen?

Published: November 2, 2014

I read your website often. It’s a blessing to me. I was reading Ezekiel the other day and paused at chapter 33 verse 8. Did warning sinners only apply to that time, or does it still apply to the present day? And what exactly does God mean when He says if you never warned a sinner to change their way and they die unsaved, their blood is on your hands?

A Backslidden Believer?

Published: October 30, 2014

I have a friend who was walking in the Lord for several years. Now she is backslidden and glories in posting semi-nude pics of herself on Facebook, calling herself a witch, taking drugs again, and denying the Lord. I know your stance and being forgiven for past, present, future when we are saved – and she was, but now she denies the Lord in everything and she is almost 70 years old! Isn’t she crucifying the Lord a’fresh?

How Was He Crushed?

Published: October 29, 2014

In Isaiah 53 it says He was crushed for our iniquities. I know the prophecies were very specific on what suffering Jesus was subjected to, the abuse, whipping, piercing & crucifixion, etc… but I don’t remember seeing anything about this part of the Prophecy. Would you please show me where this prophecy was fulfilled? Thank You & God Bless you and your ministry.

Questions About Life And Death

Published: October 28, 2014

Somewhere in the Bible it says God is love. If God is love why would there be a hell where he eternally torments people. Think about it. When a judge sentences you to jail he gives you a sentence that ends. You don’t rot in your cell until you die. And if a parent punished a child forever it would be considered cruel. Also Jesus died so that we could live, didn’t he? In hell you’re dead. And why would God need us to live if our spirit is immortal?

How Do You Know Jesus Was Referring To Our Generation?

Published: October 27, 2014

I have been reading your posts on the possible date for the 2nd coming of Christ and have found that you reference Matthew 24:34 allot. I have been reading Matthew 24 through and when I reach verse 34 and Jesus mentions the generations it almost sounds like he is referring to the disciples generation and does not mention a generation after the rebirth of Israel. My question is how did you come up with the 1948 rebirth of Israel as the generation Jesus is talking about?

Defining The End

Published: October 26, 2014

Your website is such a blessing to me. May God bless you for it because it has strengthened me in many ways. I have a question regarding Matt 24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14). My question is this… can you define “the end” mentioned in Matt 24:14?

Reaching My Husband For God

Published: October 26, 2014

My husband is an atheist, or an agnostic at best. He equates God’s relationship with us as slave-like. He can’t accept that God would only give us two options: choose Him and live forever in Heaven, or deny Him and suffer eternally in Hell.

How do you try to explain to a non-believer (I am a born-again Christian) why God would make us suffer eternally if we deny Him as our Creator and Jesus as our Savior? He acts like it is ridiculous that God would make us suffer just because we don’t believe in Him.