More On Taking “The Mark”
Published: September 13, 2014I receive emails that say that in America the religious and non-religious will be micro chipped within the next three years. This could include information for fitness, medical, banking, no cash payments, etc. Is this something that involves “the Mark of the beast”? Or does the “Mark”, as quoted in the Bible, have to include rejecting Christ and the Bible? With all the new technology out there, what is your view on being micro-chipped for anything?
One Group Or Two?
Published: September 13, 2014When Jesus returns to carry away His bride, will all the Jews be called away as well, or only the 144,00 spoken of in the Bible?
Do Jews Know Their Tribal Origins?
Published: September 12, 2014Thank you for your ministry. I suppose the 144,000 will somehow know their tribal ancestry. Perhaps, you’ve already dealt with this subject and I haven’t located it yet. Thank you.
Heavenly Relationships
Published: September 12, 2014The scriptures speak mostly of the physical elements of life in the New Jerusalem and nothing about how we will relate to each other. Different books have shown our new home as physical and real, more real than this one, if that can be imagined. But here is where I am coming from. I lost a woman that I loved some time ago and even though I know I will see her again, will our relationship be the same or can it be? We were in love, and I want that again and not some combination of best friends/siblings/soul mates. Frankly, that kind of relationship is not enough for me. I want my wife back and, and I mean no disrespect, but if we are together as ‘friends’ only, then Heaven has lost some of its luster.
Al Mahdi And The Anti-Christ
Published: September 10, 2014I am convinced that the anti-Christ is coming through the Muslim nation. I believe that Europe will be too weak to produce a man that the world will see as an effective leader who will be able to solve the worlds problems. The Muslim terrorists seem to send one group after another intent on destroying any one or thing in their paths to world domination. The Islam Mahdi will bring justice (their type of justice) to the world according to their religion. What are the chances that the Mahdi is the anti-Christ?
Preparing Babylon
Published: September 10, 2014Doesn’t Babylon have to be re-established as an economic super power before the rapture can occur? The way I understand it, the world will mourn the loss of Babylon when it is destroyed which indicates it would be similar in stature to New York or London. This would indicate the rapture being further out in time versus imminent since building the city into something significant would take many years from this point. I am eager to know what your thoughts are on this.
Is ISIS A Real Caliphate?
Published: September 8, 2014I read today that a Muslim Scholars group is going to be uniting for a Caliphate which they believe will be centered in Turkey and that ISIS’s action are not in line with what the Koran describes. What do you make of this? Is this in Ezekiel?
Why Separate the 69th And 70th Weeks?
Published: September 8, 2014Re: Daniel 9:24-27. How & why do you separate the 70th week from the 69th. There is no indication by Daniel that there is supposed to be a separation.
Sin And Iniquity. Follow Up
Published: September 8, 2014Re: Sin And Iniquity You wrote, “Everyone violates God’s law now and then, whether in thought or deed, so we’re all sinners. But those who live their lives in complete disregard for God’s laws are practicing iniquity.” I’m confused about the law. Doesn’t grace, Christ’s death on the cross, end the law? So if we are not following the law (Old Testament) are we as Christians living in iniquity or are we sinners saved by grace?
When Are Old Testament Saints Resurrected?
Published: September 8, 2014I have another question about the sequence of the first resurrection. When will the old testament saints be resurrected? Is that before or after the tribulation saints?