Ask a Bible Teacher

Does Satan Have A Place In Heaven?

Published: July 30, 2014

In “Satan’s fall from heaven” you write: “But that will end at the beginning of the Great Tribulation when he (Satan) and his forces will be forcibly and permanently expelled (from heaven).” My question: Until that happens, where might Satan and his forces dwell, apart from sowing havoc on earth? Where might their habitation be, when not on earth? Are the whole evil bunch allowed somewhere in heaven?

Are Some Automatically Condemned?

Published: July 29, 2014

Since the death and resurrection of Christ millions of people have died without hearing the message of salvation through Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Does God automatically send those individuals to hell? Is there a way God is revealed to these individuals so they may be aware of the existence of God, believe in God and have faith that He will provide spiritual security? Must they hear the message of salvation thru Christ in order to trust God for eternal security?

Judging Believers? How Can This Be?

Published: July 28, 2014

I have been taught that when we confess our sins and ask forgiveness of God, that through His sacrifice on Calvary’s Cross, our sins are washed away, and you accept Him as your own personal Savior you are His forever. We have been doing a Bible study on Revelation we’ve learned that when Christ comes back he will open the book of life and judge us. If, as it says in His Word, His blood cleansed me why will I be judged? This question bothers me and I would appreciate your input.

OSAS And The Church At Ephesus

Published: July 28, 2014

I scanned thru your library of articles in regards to the fate of the church at Ephesus in Rev 2. Historically it is known that the city and church by whatever means were destroyed. This seems to demonstrate Christ’s promise of having its lamp stand removed. A friend of mine suggested that removal of the lamp stand symbolizes loss of salvation and supports the Arminian view of conditional security (which I don’t subscribe to).

Physically we see that Ephesus is no longer. However what became of the spiritual fate of the Ephesus church? Does this mean the Ephesians lost the Holy Spirit (or have fallen away or have fallen from grace) and were all condemned to Hell because they didn’t repent? Or is this in reference to inheritance and rewards that they blew (or never had)? Or is it something else?

Faith In The Rapture?

Published: July 28, 2014

Thank you for your insight and study and the willingness to share your time with us. I have a concern/question: I have read your studies on the Rapture and how to be ready when He comes. I believe what you present, but struggle with the teaching of others that say you have to have faith to be taken in the Rapture, just as you have to have faith to be saved, healed, etc. How do I reconcile the two points of view?

No More Free Will?

Published: July 27, 2014

When believers are in heaven or in the 1000 year reign of Christ will we still have free will?

Should We Get Rid Of Our Crosses?

Published: July 27, 2014

We have a few crosses as “ornaments” in our home, but lately I’m beginning to feel vaguely uneasy about it. Are crosses actually idols with pagan origins, even when only seen as symbols and signs of faith? What is your viewpoint regarding the display of crosses and candles as symbols of faith in churches and in homes as well as wearing crosses as jewelry?

Going To Hell For Lying?

Published: July 27, 2014

My co-workers and I were discussing how some employers are starting to ask their employees if they support the homosexual lifestyle. Two of my colleagues said if it happens where we work, they’ll lie and say yes, they support it because they don’t want to lose their jobs. The thing is, they are both born-again Christians. My question is, will pretending they support homosexual marriage mean they’ll end up in hell?

Do We All Have The Same DNA?

Published: July 27, 2014

If we are all descended from Adam and Eve, do we all have the same DNA? I always thought that as far as races go, the Jewish race is different from all other races. Was the DNA of the Jewish people changed, I wonder?

A Question On Interracial Marriage

Published: July 27, 2014

Is there any scripture in the Bible that talks about marrying outside of your race?