A Climate Change Question
Published: July 4, 2024Do you believe global warming/climate change is a concern we ought to worry about? If you do, how ought we to handle it? I do not trust the global warming advocates. If it is real do you think it could be part of the plan of God to bring about more global sanctions and rules preparing for global government?
How Can The Church Be Considered Pure?
Published: July 3, 2024I have been following where you are saying that the “Church” is the “bride” of Yeshua. But isn’t the church supposed to be pure, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish as Ephes, 5:25-27 says? In my experience the Church is anything but pure, and many don’t even seem to care. Are we not supposed to be working on ourselves? I am in a Messianic bible study where they teach us that the Lord could not bring a Church like this to himself. What do you think?
OSAS And 1 John
Published: July 3, 2024Your articles on eternal security were such a blessing to me. I am still wrestling with some vital concerns, however. You stated in several of your articles the believer’s behavior will not negate his or her salvation. But there are several verses in 1 John which seem to indicate to the contrary. For instance, 1 John 3:9 says anyone born of God will not continue to sin because God’s seed remains in him, he cannot continue to sin! There are several others as well.
Coming out of a denomination that stressed grace/ works and struggling with sin as a believer, I want with all my heart to embrace what you’re teaching! My sanity and marriage depend on it. Please keep serving our precious Lord by helping to liberate multitudes in bondage to legalism and rules and commandments taught by men!
Perfect Justice, Perfect Love
Published: July 3, 2024I am a regular visitor of your site from Saudi Arabia. Every morning I always feel excited to come to your site to be filled with the Word of God.
I have two questions: Who are we to deserve such a sacrifice as Jesus made for us? And, why will Jesus have those scars for all eternity? How sad it will be to those who are redeemed beholding the King of Glory with scars on His hands and feet because of our sins.
Justice Or Mercy?
Published: July 2, 2024I’m having trouble reconciling the stories in the Old Testament where Israel stood up to her enemies and often called on the wrath of God to save them and the New Testament teaching of being kind to your enemies and turning the other cheek.
Although we are commanded to forgive and I understand fully the reasons for doing so, there is also a part of me that would want God to step in and be the vindicator; that there is a system of justice in the world.
My husband (a non believer) hurt me very deeply when he commited adultry and left me and my children to set up a new life. He periodically continues to hurt me when he withholds money and makes me feel in the wrong for asking – humiliating and belittling me to the point where I feel totally useless. Trying to follow God’s will for my life is seen as a weakness; Godly principles are dismissed as meaningless – seen through worldly eyes.
Forgiveness is difficult but necessary. I find myself though, in the same vein as the psalmist who asks how long this will continue. I want God to open my husband’s eyes and allow him to see what he is doing.
I look then to my Saviour who having been beaten, scourged and crucified, appealed to His father to overlook the crimes of his enemies. This makes me feel ashamed and that God is disappointed in me for not handling things better. I know God’s anger will be unleashed on those who persecute his beloved, but are we to ask for their forgiveness nontheless and does this apply to people who hurt us on a personal level? Like God, is there a time when our patience should come to an end or are we truly to forgive 70 times 7?
Where’s My Blessed Assurance?
Published: July 2, 2024Although I grew up in the church and my family members were all Christians, I am totally unable to remember any time when I “went forward” to an altar to be “saved.” Despite praying all my life for strength of faith, for “blessed assurance,” I often ask myself whether I’m one of those vessels destined for destruction. Can you help?
Does God Still Love Me?
Published: July 2, 2024I was saved when I was 13 and baptized six months later. I attended church faithfully with my family for a few years after. When I was 16 my parents became disenchanted with the church and stopped attending, and since I didn’t have a car or any other way to get there, I had to stop going, too. I started going again when I was 19, then stopped again because my husband was not a church going man. I became enchanted with Wicca and even Satanism for a while, but I feel the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, and I would love to start going back to church again.
My question for you is this: after studying Wicca and Satanism, does God still love me and am I still saved? I never denounced God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit when I was studying the preceding, but I’m still unsure as to whether or not I am still saved. I have asked for forgiveness, stated all of my sins, and gotten rid of everything having to do with Wicca and Satanism, but I still feel unclean. Does God still love me and am I still His child?
What Does Simon Mean?
Published: July 1, 2024I know that Jesus changed the apostle Simon’s name to Peter which means “rock”, but what does the name Simon mean? I tried looking on the internet, but came up with all kinds of different results.
The Doctrine Of Non-Accumulation
Published: July 1, 2024I am trying to locate some information concerning a book a work colleague gave me to read regarding earthly wealth and possessions. This book espouses a “doctrine of non-accumulation” concerning Christians owning earthly possessions.
As for myself, I have very little in this world. I do not own a home, nor do I have investments etc… but I am also not in any debt, and I tithe faithfully every week (cheerfully I might add). The one “worldly” thing I do own is a boat, and it is the only thing that I enjoy besides Christ and Church (call it my tinker-toy). I think my colleague believes that I shouldn’t own this “luxury” item either, and that I should sell it and give the proceeds away (which I believe to be his reasoning for giving me the book).
What Did Paul Mean In 1 Thes. 4:3-6?
Published: July 1, 2024In 1 Thess. 4, it says let each man find a wife in a way that is holy and honorable. What does he mean let no one take advantage of him in this process? Is it referring to cheating him like Laban did Jacob? Is it adultery or fornication? Or could it be referring to everything?