Ask a Bible Teacher

More End Times Chronology

Published: July 23, 2014

I’m not sure when Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 will happen, but when I look at the conditions of the nations involved in Ezekiel 38, it seems unlikely that battle is anytime soon. Am I wrong to assume that Ezekiel 38 is probably some years off?

Are Tribulation Believers Saved By Grace?

Published: July 22, 2014

Can I know if the tribulation saints are saved by grace through faith in Jesus like the church or by their ability to endure and keep their faith to the end or by enduring and keeping their faith based on the eternal gospel announced by the angel. Are the Jews who survive the Great Tribulation judged based on their faith in the coming messiah or their ability to endure to the end?

Allocating Our Tithe

Published: July 22, 2014

We’ve been regular tithers to our local church and also make scheduled payments on a 3 year pledge we made to a construction project there. For a variety of reasons our attendance is no longer regular although we still maintain both our tithe and our pledge. I feel a responsibility to fulfill our pledge, but would it be proper to divert some of our tithe to other worthy ministries?

Prophets Outside The Bible

Published: July 22, 2014

I have a question about sources of prophecy other than the bible. Do you really believe nothing but the Bible is able to prophesy future events? I have some personal experiences that beg to differ and many other people have been introduced to prophecy from sources other than the bible. Something out there is dropping hints about various things and occurrences to many people. I wonder what exactly it is?

Post Rapture Babies

Published: July 21, 2014

It’s my understanding that during the rapture God takes babies out of the womb of unbelieving mothers. My question is what does the Lord do about nine months later when the world has a new round of babies in the tribulation that may not live past six years old? Are these some of the ones that will be serving in the temple day and night?

Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, and Armageddon

Published: July 21, 2014

I was wondering with all that’s going on in the middle east right now, I see it has a countdown / ticking time bomb to usher in a world war in the middle east. My question is this: Is the Ezekiel War and Psalm 83 war that is prophesied the same war??? And this war is different than Armageddon right?

Psalm 83 And the Gaza War

Published: July 21, 2014

I wonder if the current military operation in Gaza by the Israeli defense forces is in any way related to the prayers of Asaph in Psalm 83? I wonder if this is a prophetic prayer, hundreds of years ago for God to intervene in this conflict? Could it be that Asaph foresaw this conflict and this is his prayer for God to assist Israel to successfully defeat those enemies which surround Israel? This Psalm seems to describe many of those people groups, all Muslims, who have conspired together to destroy Israel and “cut them off from being a nation”.

Counselor Or Controller?

Published: July 20, 2014

How do I know that I’m being controlled by the Holy Spirit? Sometimes (OK, seems like a lot of the time) I sin in word and deed, but I don’t like it nor do I go out of my way to do it or anything but, it seems like the sin nature has more control than I’d like and I don’t feel much like a new creation. What can one do?

Did The Exodus Really Happen?

Published: July 20, 2014

I love your site and agree with you on most all topics after research so I would love some help here. Someone questioned me on the validity of the exodus from Egypt and proof of it. I am having a hard time coming across any and would love some help. Did it really happen?

Won’t All Christians Be Gone? Follow Up

Published: July 20, 2014

In the July 18 th Q&A titled ‘Won’t All Christians Be Gone’ you wrote in paragraph two…and I paraphrase: ‘seeing the Church gone will motivate those who rejected (did not accept after hearing) would be motivated by the Rapture’ to believe. How do you reconcile this with 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12?