Why Did God Regret Creating Man?
Published: March 20, 2014My sister was listening to a Pastor who said that at one time God was so disgusted with people, He wished He had never made mankind. I remember that but the Pastor went on to say that it was because of the culture and the low intellect of the people. This doesn’t make sense to me. What do you think?
Who Preaches The Gospel In Every Kingdom?
Published: March 20, 2014I have a question about Matthew 24. I know that in verse 14, it says that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world, and then the end shall come. I have heard that this chapter was written to Israel, as at that time there was no Church; indeed, the Church was a mystery hidden from the ages. (Rom 16:25, Col 1:26 -27.)
So, even though we want to reach as many as possible for Christ, so they can avoid the tribulation, it appears that the Church does not have to reach all the nations for the rapture to happen, but rather to get a certain number saved (when the full number of Gentiles come in. Therefore, isn’t the burden upon tribulation saints to start at square one in evangelizing the world, which WILL be completed in 7 years ? Not that the Church should curtail her efforts.
Why Do The Dead Rise First?
Published: March 20, 2014Paul said the dead in Christ will rise first and after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thes 4:16-17). Do you have any thoughts as to why the dead rise first? It seems to me that God can make both the dead and those alive change into perfect bodies at the same time.
One Rapture Or Two?
Published: March 18, 2014A well known author says there will be two raptures. The first, preceding the tribulation, will be for those who “have overcome the world” by putting Christ above all else. The remaining who are saved but “love the world” must go through part of the tribulation in order to be “purified”. They will be raptured at the seventh trumpet. Normally I learn from reading this man’s works, but I’ve never heard anything like this before. Your thoughts?
Rebuking Satan
Published: March 18, 2014Thank you for your ministry. I have learned so much by reading your posts. I have a question about rebuking demons, or unclean spirits. First, can they hear our thoughts? Second, if not, then when we rebuke them in the Lord Jesus name, does this have to be said out loud?
The Lord’s Day, Or The Day Of The Lord?
Published: March 18, 2014As I was reading Revelation I came across the phrase the “Lord’s day” in Revelation 1:10. I thought that when John says the “Lord’s day” in this particular verse he was referring to a day of the week, (Saturday? Sunday?). However, I read a commentary which said that John meant something else.
It said that “The Lord’s day” has nothing to do with a day of the week. Referring to Sunday as the Lord’s day only came into vogue many centuries later. No, the Lord’s day is the same as the “day of the Lord” and is one of the phrases used when talking of the Tribulation period or the time of the Last Days.
So which one is it? Is the “Lord’s day” a day of the week or does it mean that John was already in the future before he got to chapter 4 because I thought that John was only “transported” to the future in chapter 4.
Destroying All The Nations. Follow Up
Published: March 18, 2014Re: “Destroying All The Nations” According to the Scriptures you listed, I was wondering if the nations mentioned in Revelation 21:24 (“And the nations of them which are saved…”) and Revelation 22:1 might be newly-created ones, names and all. And, they would be “governed” by those in The Body of Christ that have been given charge over them during the Millennium. Or is that the heritage of Israel only?
More On Angels Mating With Humans
Published: March 17, 2014Recently a subject came up about the sex of angels in our bible study. They said according to Jesus after we get to heaven we would be like the angels neither marrying or being given in marriage. This led them to say that angels are “sexless”. However in Genesis we see the fallen angels comingling with humans with the Nephlim resulting. Any angel in scripture has a male name, so is there an answer?
More On The Partial Rapture
Published: March 17, 2014I have been seeing a lot of Rapture dreams and End Time dreams on Youtube and a vast majority of them keep saying Are you Ready for the Rapture? And one I watched just last night spoke about that just because we are Saved/Born Again does not necessarily guarantee we will be taken in the Rapture that we have to repent daily and live each day as if it is our last, etc. What are your views on this? I have been worrying and stressing a lot about this issue after hearing this. It has me questioning if I will be left behind.
Protected From The Locusts?
Published: March 17, 2014My question concerns Revelation 9, where the locusts ascend from the pit to torment those who do not have the Seal of God. I understand the 144,000 bond servants of God will have a seal, but what about other Christians on earth? Will they also have a seal to avoid this judgment of God, or does this chapter imply that there are no Christians on earth at this particular time due to martyrdom?