End Times According to Daniel. Follow Up
Published: March 15, 2014In your study on The End Times According to Daniel (part 3), you state “With verse 36 we’ve shifted from history to prophecy”. You never state why you assume this is now in the future. Have you considered that possibly the king being spoken of is Herod the Great? He certainly fits the bill and then the history (history to us, future to Daniel) can just continue with astounding accuracy.
Going To War Against The Lord
Published: March 15, 2014In a previous answer you said, “The reason all nations come to Jerusalem is not to fight against the anti-Christ. It’s to fight alongside him against Jesus.” Does this mean that the nations will know very well who Jesus is at this time? They will know He is Lord and that they are choosing to fight Him for planet earth?
Who Are The Sons Of God?
Published: March 14, 2014In one of your articles on the Nephilim you said, “The Hebrew phrase translated “sons of God” refers to beings who are direct creations of God.” I believe you when you say this, I just do not understand your process to get there. I checked Strongs H1121, H1129 & H251 and I would not have came to your conclusion unless I heard it from you as I did. I would like to study the Word of God as you do, with much prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit of course.
Who Owns The Earth?
Published: March 14, 2014Psalm 89:11 says both the Heavens and the Earth belong to God. Psalm 115:16 says, The heavens are the Lord ‘s, but the earth he has given to the children of man. One verse says both belong to God but the other says earth is man’s. I don’t believe there are contradictions in God’s Word, so I’m wondering how these two verses can be correct at the same time.
An American Anti-Christ?
Published: March 14, 2014This may seem to be a weird thought and question but I think Barak Obama might be the anti-Christ. He could be very well liked by whites, blacks, Muslim, Israel, etc. Do you have any thoughts on this? Has anyone else asked the question?
OSAS And 1 Peter 4:18
Published: March 13, 2014Your website has been a true blessing to me. Your clear, concise, logical and Biblical based responses to questions have made me realize what an awesome God we serve, especially when it comes to His amazing grace when we believe on His precious Son who saved us. I fully subscribe to OSAS, but recently have been wondering about 1 Peter 4:18: “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (KJV). This passage seems to suggest some degree of uncertainty about salvation. Surely we’re either saved or not saved, depending on whether we believe, or not? How can we be “scarcely saved” as if some only make it by the “skin of our teeth”, so to speak? Am I misunderstanding the language here?
Questions About Millennial Believers
Published: March 13, 2014What will happen to the resurrected martyrs from the Trib who live in the 1000 Yr Kingdom? Will they die again, Or just the “regular 1000 year humans”? Where do those humans come from, and how will they achieve 1000 year life spans?
Believe Or Obey?
Published: March 13, 2014Thank you for your website, I visit it often when I do not understand what I read in the scriptures. This morning I came across another one. Will you please help me understand? I searched this verse on your site but didn’t find anything that explains it. John 3:36 says, “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” . It appears to be a contradiction. How can one have eternal life and then not see life, but the wrath of God?
Sample Of The Harvest
Published: March 12, 2014Matthew chapter 27:52 says that the graves were opened and the saints were raised. My question is: Who were those saints?
The Mystery Of 1 Cor. 15:51
Published: March 11, 2014I have a question concerning the rapture. In 1 Cor 15:51 Paul tells us a mystery that we shall be changed and the last trump will sound. Do you believe that last trump has nothing to do with feast, but is to Israel and the Law comes back into existence since the church will be leaving and the grace period will end? Also I read your blood moons study and you don’t see evidence that it has any part of the rapture can this also be part of the mystery?