Ask a Bible Teacher

Is God Cruel And Unjust?

Published: March 11, 2014

Someone brought my attention to the following Scriptures as “evidence” that God is a cruel and unjust God. They claim Exodus 21: 7-10 says you can sell your daughter into slavery and allow her master to rape her, Exodus 22: 16-17 says you can rape a virgin but you must marry her and pay her father a dowry of virgins, and Leviticus 19: 20-22 says you can rape your female slave and be forgiven, but the slave must be punished. Can you help me with these verses?

Changing Set Times And Laws

Published: March 11, 2014

I have a question regarding Daniel 7:25, where it speaks of the Antichrist seeking to ‘change times and laws’. I can understand the meaning of ‘changing the laws’, but what does the ‘changing of times’ mean? Could this be a reference to a Muslim Antichrist, since their religion imposes Islamic laws onto others?

OSAS And Matt. 6:14-15

Published: March 10, 2014

We’ve been studying forgiveness. Matt. 6: 14-15. How does that affect eternal security? Thank you for your help.

Leading Up To Daniel’s 70th Week

Published: March 10, 2014

I was wondering when you see the first half of Dan. 9:27 (3 1/2 years of peace) coming into play. This must be the time period when the Jews will be allowed to build the Temple, which the Antichrist will immediately occupy at the end of that period, in the middle of the 7 years of Daniel. There must be some significant period of peace if the Temple is to be built, and the Jews are living in complete safety (Ezek. 38:8,10,14; 1 Thes. 5:2,3). Something significant must have happened to the Muslims if the Jews are allowed to rebuild their Temple.

Who Are The Martyrs Of Rev. 6?

Published: March 10, 2014

Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I am pre-trib and the souls under the altar in Revelation 6:10, 11 confuse me. I understand the great multitude in Revelation 7:9 are saved out of the tribulation then who are the souls in Revelation 6:10, 11?

Questioning God

Published: March 9, 2014

I am struggling on my path. I was raised Baptist, baptized at 14, witnessed on the street as a teen, had some tough years until about 25 and my husband and I were baptized together, he for the first time, me as a re-dedication. A few years ago I began studying world religions. From Buddhism, Wicca, paganism in various forms, and Gnosticism, to name a few. Now, I am not a Buddhist or a Wiccan, but Gnosticism and mysticism have caused me to question many things. I also have great respect for all faiths and wonder why these people would be sentenced to Hell.

Creator And Destroyer?

Published: March 9, 2014

I can’t figure out where people get the idea that God could be both the Creator and the destroyer. It seems they are saying He has a split personality, or character. Satan is the destroyer, God is the Creator. Is my understanding correct?

Does The Tribulation Begin The Same Day As The Rapture?

Published: March 9, 2014

Referencing Luke 17: 28-29. “Likewise even as it came to pass in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but in the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all”. Do you believe Jesus was saying that the Tribulation will start on the same 24-hour day that the Rapture takes place?

The Martyrs Of Rev. 6

Published: March 7, 2014

Re: the souls under the altar in Rev. 6:9: How do they relate to the other groups of martyrs mentioned in Revelation? Are they pre-rapture souls? If they were believers, wouldn’t they would get physical bodies at the rapture? So if they are post-rapture martyrs, how are they different from the other mentioned groups?

What Causes Us To Sin?

Published: March 7, 2014

My daughter has asked me a question and I don’t have an answer for her. She wants to know what Mark 9:43-47 means. Does it actually mean to cut out or pluck of body parts to avoid being thrown into hell?