Where Are The Assyrians?
Published: January 9, 2014I have a question that has been troubling me and maybe your vast knowledge of scripture can answer it. I know what an important part the reformation of Israel is to the nearness of the end. But in Isaiah 19:23-25 we are given a picture of what seems to be a close relationship between Egypt, Assyria and Israel. Where is this Assyria and shouldn’t we be seeing some sign of its reappearing? Is it the Kurdish people who are declaring a home land that closely resembles ancient Assyria?
Was The Holocaust A Judgment Against Israel?
Published: January 8, 2014In view of a new book coming out about the holocaust, do you believe that Leviticus 26:14-39 was fulfilled (at least in part) by the holocaust? In other words, was the holocaust a judgment brought about by Israel’s rejection of God?
When Does Matt. 7:21-23 Take Place?
Published: January 7, 2014My question is this… Jesus said “I never knew you, Depart from Me ye that work iniquity.” ( Matt. 7: 21 – 23 ) When will this incident occur? Will it be at the Great White Throne Judgement? If this is the case, then these people must be in hell waiting trial and sentencing; there is no “get out of jail” card if you find yourself in hell, so why would they try to talk their way out of the situation? Would they not know that it is over for them once they are in hell?
Can A Jewish Person Take The Mark?
Published: January 5, 2014If a Jewish person is willing to take the mark of the beast during the end times will the Anti-Christ allow him/her to remain in Israel without being hunted like the others?
Believe And Tremble
Published: January 5, 2014Thank you again for your incredible website!! There’s no telling how many people you’ve helped through it. As I’ve read untold numbers of questions and answers, I’ve found (and agree) that salvation is only by what you believe, rather than how you act. One thing that puzzles me, however, is that if all it takes is to believe, then why aren’t the demons mentioned in James 2:19 saved? According to James, the demons also believe…….and tremble.
Do I Have To Forgive Her?
Published: January 4, 2014My question is on forgiving others. I know we should forgive over and over even to those who have hurt us one way or another, but I am in a difficult position regarding forgiving a first degree relative whom I always thought was a believer. One day out of a clear blue sky she said to me, “I don’t want to believe in Jesus anymore.” I learned she’s been involved in paganism, astrology and even witchcraft. I have told her that I love her, but that what she is doing is wrong and I cannot accept or condone it. Do I also have to forgive her, or not?
How Will The First Martyrs Know?
Published: January 4, 2014In Rev 6:9 we see all of those martyrs under the altar in Heaven. I had always thought that since the Church will be raptured prior to the start of the 70th week, they will come to Christ through the witnessing of the 144,000. I noticed tonight, however, that the 144,000 aren’t even mentioned until chapter 7, a whole chapter later. If this is the case, how do people learn/hear about Jesus between the rapture and Rev. 6:9?
What Is God’s Wrath?
Published: January 4, 2014In the book of Thessalonians in chapter 1:10 and 5:9 we see scripture that says clearly we are not appointed to wrath. However, how can we be certain that the wrath mentioned doesn’t mean eternal punishment from God? I appreciate your thoughts as always.
Who Can Interpret The Bible?
Published: January 4, 2014I was wondering if you could answer a question for me, please? Are there any Bible passages that teach us about exactly who can interpret the Bible? Or if the Bible in any way authorizes interpretation?
Is The Third Temple Being Built?
Published: January 3, 2014Thank you for this great ministry. It has been a huge help to me and many others to whom I print and pass along your writings. I was wondering if you had heard the news that a temple was being built in Mitzpeh Yericho. It is being billed as a exact replica of the ancient temple and will be used for training those who will serve in the new temple. To me a exact replica is the temple. It will be around ten miles east of Jerusalem but I think it’s along the route of the great valley that will be created when Jesus’ feet touch down. Could this be the temple of the tribulation? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.