Peace And Safety. Follow Up
Published: January 3, 2014Re: Peace And Safety Then Destruction. My question concerns the time between the Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation. If the world is in total chaos after the Rapture, what would lead to a brief time of peace before the Tribulation? Would it take several months of “recovery” until the Antichrist appears?
Heaven And Hell
Published: January 2, 2014You have said many times that you believe that God tortures unbelievers for all eternity in hell. So, please explain what the “Second Death” is as mentioned in the following Scriptures: Rev. 2:11; Rev. 20:6; Rev. 20:14 and Rev. 21:8. Also, God promises believers “Eternal Life” for our faith, so, if He tortures unbelievers for all eternity, doesn’t that make Him a Liar? According to your view unbelievers would also have eternal life, albeit a terrible one.
Free Abortions In Israel?
Published: January 2, 2014I just read a news report that Israel will give out free abortions to women aged 20-33 starting in 2014. I know it seems that abortion has become the new normal everywhere but in your opinion does this fit into any end times scenarios?
Is This The Treaty Of Daniel 9?
Published: January 1, 2014I have been wondering for some time now if the peace treaty that is being negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians now, could possibly be the treaty called for in Daniel 9:27. Is there a chance that this peace treaty and the one in Daniel 9:27 are one in the same?
Will Jerusalem Be Divided Again?
Published: December 31, 2013There is so much talk about scattering Israel and dividing Jerusalem these days. Also much talk about the Psalm 83 prophecy which talks about a confederation of the surrounding Arab and Palestinian nations coming against Israel and being completely defeated by the IDF. At the same time I read in Zechariah 1: 18 / 19 about four horns coming to scatter Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. There seems to be a contradiction between this Scripture and Psalm 83. I know there cannot be any contradiction in Holy Scripture, that is impossible. How do you see things? Can you help please?
Doubts About My Salvation
Published: December 31, 2013I am a new believer and I have nagging question to ask you. This might sound strange, but when I decided to get saved, in my heart I believed Christ died on the cross for my sin, I am a sinner and needed Christ to be my personal savior. But the problem was that my speech has been one of my main weaknesses since I was a child; therefore when I tried to confess to Christ, I couldn’t say it correctly. Because of this, sometimes I have doubts with my salvation. Any help?
Regret Or Joy?
Published: December 31, 2013I just had a question about these heavenly rewards we’re supposed to be getting. I agree with the interpretation that we’ll be rewarded for our behavior here on Earth but my question is where does that leave people who are saved but don’t live out their walk. Does this mean that they’ll go through eternity unhappy? Any clarification is appreciated, God Bless.
120 Year Lifespans?
Published: December 31, 2013In Gen 6:3 God declares man will no longer live longer than 120 years. How is this number not considered a generation since, in theory, it is possible for man to live that long. I think, based entirely on just personal observation not science, that man’s life span has been increasing related to quality of health care, diet and other factors which make us healthier than at any other time since the flood. So why is this number not considered when looking at the time frame from the establishment of Israel as a nation or the retaking of Jerusalem?
Peace And Safety, Then Sudden Destruction
Published: December 31, 2013In 1 Thes.5, the Bible states that they will say peace and safety but then sudden destruction. Is that focusing on the time before the rapture or before the second coming? If before the rapture, then will the state of the world be one where there is a general feeling that there is peace or at least relative stability but only to have the rapture take place in that state of complacency? What are your thoughts on that?
Explaining Daniel 12:2
Published: December 30, 2013I have been trying to understand Daniel 12:2 about the resurrection of Old Testament saints so as not to have any conflict with Revelation 20, and I do not have the answer. Daniel 12:2 says, ” And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt”. The verse says “And many of those who sleep”, so not ‘all who those who sleep’, compare for example to Isaiah 54:13, “All your children shall be taught by the Lord…”. And too the verse in Daniel 12:2 says ‘some to everlasting life’ and ‘some to shame and everlasting contempt’ and from reading this verse it sounds like these two groups of people are resurrected at the same time. Could you spare time explaining Daniel 12: 2 to me?