Ask a Bible Teacher

More On The Judgment Seat Of Christ

Published: November 30, 2013

When a Christian commits a sin or sins, in our flesh, and we confess this to the Lord, is that sin going to be brought up at the Judgment Seat of Christ and effect our rewards? I know all of our sins, past, present, and future, have been paid for in full by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. But: When it comes to rewards, do confessed sins get “wiped out”?

Gentiles In The Millennium

Published: November 30, 2013

You have a great ministry going here helping those that are saved to become better informed and helping many that are not yet saved to perhaps make a better choice. May God bless you for all your efforts. The Jews will have the animal sacrifices during the millennium, but what will the Gentiles be doing to confirm their belief? Will a new church age begin? Got any ideas on this?

Daniel 13 And 14

Published: November 30, 2013

I can’t help but wonder why the last two chapters of Daniel were omitted from our modern bibles. They show strength of our Lord and are a testimony to Daniel’s greatness as a prophet and religious man. Any thoughts on this?

We Who Are Alive And Are Left

Published: November 30, 2013

I came across your site earlier this year and have looked forward to reading it every day possible since. When you have a chance I wonder if you could give me your thoughts on something. Even as a child and to this day, when I read 1 Thes.4:15 – 17, I wonder why the word “remain” is used. The verses make it sound like, at the day of the resurrection/rapture, there will be few true believers left alive, like there is a great worldwide deathly persecution just before that day.

I don’t see such a persecution in scripture until during Daniel’s 70th week. Doesn’t the Rapture happen a short time before Daniel’s 70th week begins? If there is no such persecution, greater than what there is already today, I wonder why Paul, thru the Holy Spirit, wrote “alive and remain” and not just “alive at the coming of the Lord.” Appreciate your thoughts.

The Four Beasts Of Daniel 7

Published: November 30, 2013

I want to ask you about the beasts in Daniel 7. You identified them as the Babylonian, Media-Persian, Greek, and Roman kingdoms; many Bible scholars interpret them also this way. However, I’ve read another interpretation that they are not those kingdoms, but are others. The argument is based on verse 17: “These four great beasts are four kings who SHALL arise out of the earth” (emphasis mine). Therefore, since this vision was given to Daniel in the time of Babylonian kingdom, the first beast can not be the Babylon (because the word “shall” implies future), and so on. What’s your view on this?

Using Vulgar Language

Published: November 29, 2013

My 12-year-old son corrected an acquaintance when he used the F-word. John told him that he was breaking the third commandment to which the boy replied, “Show me where in the Bible it says I cannot use that word”. What specific Scripture can John reference in correcting this boy’s vulgar language?

Faith Based On A Feeling

Published: November 27, 2013

I was recently discussing faith with a family member of mine who is of another religion. She said if she ever has a question or doubt about her religion she simply asks the Lord and knows that she’s doing right because of the “good feeling” she gets in return. I don’t see how God would encourage someone to continue in any religion by sending “good feelings” their way. Are feelings good signs that our belief is correct?

Am I An Overcomer?

Published: November 26, 2013

I’m unclear on a phrase that appears in all the letters in Rev. 2-3 and that is, “He who overcomes” I want to understand this more fully. What do I need to overcome, or is it because I believe and am saved that I already am an over comer?

The Strong Delusion

Published: November 24, 2013

What do you think will be the strong delusion that God sends to the world as written in 2 Thessalonians 2:11? “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” That question has been on my mind lately.

How Can There Be Sin In The Millennium?

Published: November 23, 2013

I have been reading about the millennium. I am a little confused on what your stance is on sin during the millennium after reading some of your posts. If Satan is bound for the thousand years and isn’t able to deceive the nations, how can there be any rebellion during this time? With Christ ruling with a rod of iron it doesn’t leave any room for choice until after the 1000 years is completed. It seems to me that at the end, when Satan is released, people can again make their choice on who they want to serve. But after serving Christ Jesus for 1000 years, it simply baffles me why they would choose the enemy. Whats your take?