Understanding Rev. 3:10
Published: November 15, 2013The teaching that the seven churches of Rev. 2-3 chronicle Church history is man made, and is not specifically taught by the word of God. That being the case, why do so many people give Rev 3:10 as factual proof that the church will be taken out before the 70th week of Daniel?
Does Everyone Go To The New Jerusalem?
Published: November 14, 2013You have probably answered this but I am wondering if the born again believers who have already died from this century and earlier centuries, get to go straight into the new Jerusalem as the raptured believers do?
Three Days Of Darkness Coming?
Published: November 13, 2013I have heard in recent times about a coming 3 days of darkness wherein the redeemer will activate believers further with the spirit. (I think this occurred in Egypt prior to the Exodus, at least the darkness part) Have you also heard of such a thing and do you think it’s scriptural or what are your thoughts on this?
In The Rapture Or Left Behind?
Published: November 13, 2013I completely agree with your scriptural view that there will be no true believers left behind when the bride is called home (rapture). However, there is a large elephant in the room many people seem determined to ignore. Will myriads of ‘church members’ not be taken in the rapture because they never Biblically came to Christ? Many pastors in the emergent/seeker friendly movement oppose any literal Bible teaching that might offend their membership. So my question is what happens to all of these people who believe church affiliation equates to New Testament salvation? What are your thoughts?
Our All Knowing God. Follow Up
Published: November 13, 2013Re: Our All Knowing God. You stated that “we won’t die until the days ordained for us have all been fulfilled.” Also, “I believe God foreknew which of us would choose to accept the pardon He purchased for us (Romans 8:29-30), and therefore we couldn’t die before making that choice.” The question of babies aborted (whether “naturally” or forced) comes to my mind, and leaves me wondering how all this fits for them.
Also, your statement that “None of this is meant to imply that God chooses who will be born…” brings up another question. Does this mean that Psalm 139 comes into effect “after” the joining of the sperm and egg? And how those two did join is perhaps a “chance” action? I’ve wondered about this for some time, what with having 5 children.
Martyred For Our Faith
Published: November 12, 2013Years ago when I was young and going to Sunday School, our teacher was preparing us to give our up lives for our faith. He wanted us to think about the possibility that someone would shoot us for believing in Christ. I’m 42 now and wonder if you think this was an appropriate topic for a Sunday School teacher to discuss with young children?
Gracethrufaith After The Rapture?
Published: November 11, 2013I look forward every day to visiting your site. I also am excited to watch the signs appear that point to how soon the Rapture is coming. My question is, will this site still be around after we all are gone? I have made a file in my legal papers which I have printed out several of your articles to save for my unbelieving family members to find. I am wondering if they will be able to access this site too. I do hope so.
Praying Someone To Salvation
Published: November 11, 2013Jesus says that if we pray within God’s will and in His name, He will grant our prayers. The Bible also states that it’s God’s desire that everyone would come to Christ. Is that an assurance that if we pray for someone’s salvation, they will be saved?
Who Goes In The Rapture?
Published: November 10, 2013I have a grown daughter who accepted Jesus as her savior when she was 8 years old. Since then, she has had doubts regarding her faith and has declared herself an agnostic. If salvation is eternal for those who at one time truly believed, will they be raptured? I have heard theories of a partial rapture and am confused as to which believers are raptured. What do you think?
Three Battles Or One?
Published: November 10, 2013I don’t understand how students of Bible Prophecy have come to see Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 as two different events. Can you shed any light as to how these two prophecies (Psalm 83 & Isaiah 17) do not converge in the Ezekiel 38-39 battle?