Ask a Bible Teacher

A Question About The New Jerusalem

Published: July 15, 2013

In John 14 Jesus tells us that there are many mansions, or rooms, in His Father’s house, and that He is going there to prepare a place for us. I assume that the place Jesus is preparing for us is the New Jerusalem. Is this correct? It has been suggested to me that souls will not immediately go to be with the Lord after the body dies because Jesus isn’t finished preparing us a place. Supposedly, the idea is that there would be no place for them to stay, and it wouldn’t be fair for them to see or be in the unfinished place before the rest of us see it. Do you understand Jesus to be saying there are already mansions/rooms in heaven, or am I misunderstanding? And, if I am correctly understanding, who do you think might be in those rooms now?

Staying Safe During The Great Tribulation

Published: July 14, 2013

While reading Rapture References I was wondering if an unbeliever who became a believer after the rapture were to find themselves in that predicament where should they go. Should they go to Israel for protection, or some remote place, or stay put? Do you know any Bible references concerning this, or do you have any thoughts about this.

Will We Witness The Great White Throne Judgment?

Published: July 13, 2013

I’m very, very thankful for your site! I’d like to ask you a question about the Great White Throne judgment. My mom use to say that believers would not be at the judgment of the unbelievers, because it would be too painful for them to see people they knew, being thrown into the lake of fire. I believe we will be there, because we will forever be with the Lord. Would you tell me what you think about this?

Seven Raptures?

Published: July 11, 2013

The number 7 is mentioned throughout the Bible. Recently I read an article dealing with the 7 raptures ( 5 have already come to pass and 2 more are waiting to happen). The first 5 involved: Enoch, Elijah, Moses, Christ, and the old testament saints. The future raptures involve the Church and the two witnesses mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Jesus Christ is right in the middle of all the 7 raptures as represented in the Menorah. Is this a true Biblical teaching?

Questioning The Placement Of Ezekiel’s Battle

Published: July 11, 2013

I Write to comment on your book (Seven Things You have to know…) concerning the Sequence of Major Events of the Last Days.

You mentioned that the Rapture is the First event, then the Battle of Gog and then the 70th Week of Daniel, but why should not the 70th Week begin before the Battle of Gog and not after it?

God’s Word Or Man’s Opinion?

Published: July 11, 2013

I live in a rural area. There aren’t many churches to choose from. I want to fellowship and join Bible studies but it concerns me that many churches use books written by popular authors for their Bible studies. I would like to see the Bible used for Bible study. Reading a book may be good if it motivates or inspires you. However, I would like to see the minister or the person leading the study use God’s word not man’s word. I would like your opinion on this.

The Blind Will See And Those Who See Will Become Blind

Published: July 11, 2013

Could you please explain what Jesus was saying in John 9:39-41? Was He saying that those who claim to be without sin are blind when speaking to the Pharisees?

Crisis In Egypt

Published: July 11, 2013

With everything that’s going on in Egypt there’s a lot of speculation that Morsi is the ‘cruel leader’ mentioned in Isaiah 19. My question is, could that prophecy be fulfilled before Isaiah 17, the destruction of Damascus?

Can I Use My Tithe?

Published: July 11, 2013

In order to prevent the 3 children of my wife’s sister from going into foster care when she and her husband split up, my wife and I took them in, even though we already had two children of our own. It has put such a tremendous strain on our budget that we haven’t been able to pay our tithe for several months. Our pastor and other members of the church have slipped us cash and gift cards from time to time to help us get by. I know that tithing is not required, but I feel guilty about not contributing some amount of money to my church. I want to do right by my church but I need to do right by my family. Should I tithe if it will stretch our monthly budget to its limits?

The Fig Tree Analogy Of Matt. 24

Published: July 11, 2013

I am reading a book on prophecy by Tim LaHaye. He states that there is no substantiation that the fig tree in Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 represents Israel. He further points out that Luke 21:29 refers to “the fig tree and all the trees.” And thus, the fig tree cannot be Israel. What are your thoughts?