Ask a Bible Teacher

Doubting Psalm 83

Published: April 25, 2013

I recently was listening to a very popular Christian radio call-in show and I heard them say Psalms 83 was not really a prophecy of a coming event, but rather a ” Lamentation”. I have been following your commentary on this subject, and I believe it is a soon to be fulfilled prophecy. One of the reasons they gave for their position was that Psalms 83 was written 300 years before any of the prophets, can you give your opinion on why they said that, and why they are wrong?

Is The Rapture In The Bible?

Published: April 24, 2013

The word rapture is not in the Bible, therefore any teaching on the rapture is false teaching.

The Mark Of The Beast. Follow Up

Published: April 24, 2013

Re: The Mark Of The Beast. Here you are not totally correct. The Arabs call their number Hindi. If you want Arabic number in Windows you have to specify Hindi. This leads me to believe that the Arabs got their numbers from India. Hence left to right numbers in a right to left written system.

Is New Jerusalem For The Church?

Published: April 24, 2013

Where do we find in scripture that the celestial New Jerusalem is for the Church? The 12 gates are named for the 12 tribes of Israel and the foundation stones are the same as the stones on the High Priest’s breast plate.

Can The Rapture Only Happen On The Feast Of Trumpets?

Published: April 23, 2013

When we look at the 7 feasts of Israel and their prophetic meaning, we see that Jesus has fulfilled the first 4 feasts (Passover, Unleavened breads, First Fruits and Pentecost) in the exact day. Next feast on schedule is the Feast of Trumpets which represents the Rapture and, the consistency of the Bible would imply that the rapture has to occur in the exact day of the Feast of Trumpets. Does this mean that the rapture cannot take place in other days of the year?

More End Times Questions

Published: April 22, 2013

As I read all your End Times articles, I understand so much of what is happening now and will happen in the Middle East after the Rapture. My question is what countries will be punished in relation to ‘scattered Jews’ of old. America must be on that list. Who else?

Secondly, what is happening around the world after the Rapture? Is the whole world punished, and just the major wars occur in the Mid – East; or is war world wide? Is any counrty ‘safer’ than another ? ( ei – Judea/Petra ). I love your site. I apologize if this question has already been answered.

Who Has Been Helping Satan?

Published: April 22, 2013

Are the angels who fathered the Nephilim the same ones who rebelled with Satan? Rev. 12:4 says one third of the angels were swept out of heaven and cast to Earth. The ones who fathered the Nephilim in Genesis 6:2 are being held in chains for judgment according to Jude 6 and 2 Peter 2:4. If all the rebellious angels are in prison, who has been working with Satan all this time?

The Mark Of The Beast

Published: April 21, 2013

A popular prophecy commentator claims that the letters representing 666 are not Greek but are Arabic and mean “Allah is Lord” which is written on the head gear of Islamic militants. I know that this man has some questionable theology, but could there be some validity to this and that this head gear could actually be the mark of the beast?

Why Will The Church Be Resurrected Before Israel?

Published: April 19, 2013

I know the OT saints and the Tribulation saints will be resurrected at the 2nd coming of Christ but why will the Church be resurrected at the rapture and the OT saints still be in the grave?

Do All Believers Go There?

Published: April 18, 2013

Do all church age dead Christians go straight to New Jerusalem? Or will New Jerusalem only be “open” for raptured Christians?