Was Tyre Destroyed?
Published: February 22, 2013In reading this weeks article I saw the reference to the modern day city of Tyre. This reminded me of Ezekiel 26 where the prophecy concerning the destruction of Tyre is made and the fact it will not be rebuilt. Keeping in mind I am 100% certain of the infallibility of God’s Word I have searched and found several answers to this apparent contradiction but am curious as to what you feel is the best explanation.
More Signs And Wonders
Published: February 20, 2013I have been hearing about persons and or ministries saying that the glory cloud of God is manifesting today like it did in Old Testament times and it is evidence of God working in these ministries. I believe that the Old Testament is shapes and types of everything in the New Testament. But I do not see this same glory cloud mentioned in the New Testament except maybe at the mount of transfiguration, which does not seem fit with what people are claiming for today. Help me out and tell me what you think about this.
What Should Our Leaders Be Called?
Published: February 20, 2013Can you tell me what Jesus meant when he stated in Matthew 23:8-10 not to use the titles Rabbi, Father and Master? We have the Jews using Rabbi and the Catholics using Father for the Pope and Priests so are they deliberately disobeying Jesus?
Am I Expected To Tithe? Follow Up
Published: February 19, 2013Your answer in “Am I Expected To Tithe?” states that we should tithe “Out of gratefulness that the Lord has saved us from eternal punishment.” Our pastor has brought up the point that Jesus didn’t die to save us from an eternity in hell, although that’s a good side benefit. He died to restore the relationship that was lost in the garden. John 10:10 says “He came that we may have joy to the full”, it doesn’t say He came to keep us from eternal punishment. Our pastor goes on to say that people who accept Christ as “fire insurance” have missed the point and missed the joy of what Jesus wants…a relationship with Him for now and all eternity.
Who Is The Assyrian? Follow Up
Published: February 19, 2013Re: Who is the Assyrian? When you mentioned the angel of the Lord sweeping through and killing all of those soldiers, a question came to mind. Whenever angels carry out killing commands, do they physically harm the person (i.e. stab, slit throat, etc.) or they just fly over them and kill them by touching them, looking at them, etc.?
Gentile Salvation In The 70th Week
Published: February 19, 2013I’m still having difficulty understanding how people get saved during Daniel’s 70th Week. I understand that faith is the cornerstone, as it always has been. But salvation will not be guaranteed, as it is now. The Jews will return to the old system of sacrifice and offerings. I assume, in order to maintain their salvation (prove their faith?). What about the Gentiles, like some of my family members? Will they also participate in sacrifices and offerings? Or, do the Gentiles prove their faith in some other way?
Am I Expected To Tithe?
Published: February 17, 2013I see there has been a number of questions relating to what to tithe. My problem is this: I am deeply in debt, not including my mortgage (yes, I know borrowing is unscriptural). Although I want to give, I don’t have enough unemployment benefit to pay my creditors, let alone feed myself. Am I still expected to tithe?
The Holy Spirit In The Tribulation
Published: February 17, 2013How will The Holy Spirit work with the believers after the rapture? I know that now people receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit but what about after? Will preachers have gifts to teach and interpret the bible, does the Holy Spirit assist or is everyone on their own?
Still More On Jesus And The Rapture
Published: February 16, 2013I was reading John 17: 15 where Jesus is saying his prayer is not for believers to be taken out of this world but for God to protect them from the evil one while they are here on earth. This prayer appears as if Jesus didn’t have a thought of believers being raptured at some point. Why did Jesus pray for us not to be taken out of this world if he knew that at some time he will come to rapture us? Also, in the Lords prayer of Matt. 6:9-13 He speaks about praying for the Kingdom of God to come on earth and His will be done on earth. What is the use of praying this prayer for the kingdom to come on earth if we are going to be raptured anyway? Can you please give your opinion on these passages?
Did God Divorce Israel?
Published: February 14, 2013I was reading your post “No one knows the day or the hour” Most of it was very good, but I have a question. When did God divorce Israel?