Is The Rapture Two Events?
Published: February 12, 2013In your opinion, would it be possible that the whole rapture process consists of two events: the resurrection of the dead occurring in Revelation 4 and the disappearance of living believers occurring in Revelation 6:12? I ask this because 1 Thes. 4:17 says, Then (after the resurrection) we which are alive and remain shall be caught up. This seems to say there could be a period of time between the two events.
Will The Next Pope Be The Last One?
Published: February 12, 2013Since the 111th Roman Catholic Pope is stepping down this February 28th does that mean the next pope is the LAST Pope who will feed the flock through the tribulation? I know St. Malachy’s “Pope Prophecy” is not scripture, but don’t you think it’s interesting that the current pope is stepping down? Will the last pope be a “good” leader of Christians or a “false” leader?
Will The Two Witnesses Be Part Of The Church?
Published: February 10, 2013I was thinking about Moses and how for 40 years he had faithfully led Israel but at the last moment, was refused entry into the promised land because of his error/sin. My heart goes out to Moses who wanted so much to enter! Then I was thinking about the 2 witnesses in Revelation and how they (many think Moses and Elijah) had not died and would come back during the 70th Week of Daniel. Since the 2 witnesses are martyred during the Tribulation and then are called to “Come up here”, would that now qualify them to be in the dispensation of grace and therefore one of the Bride of Christ?
Understanding Rev. 11
Published: February 7, 2013Revelation 11 is a recap of the 1st half of the tribulation but what puzzles me is verse 18. It basically says that this is the time the Lord rewards the prophets and the saints. But didn’t the church get rewarded back in revelation chapters 4 & 5? And not only that but all of verse 18 throws me off a little as far as the timing of the rapture goes. I know Rev 3:10 says God will take us out before the trib starts but I’m a little befuddled at this verse…would you mind clarifying it?
Effects Of The Rapture On America
Published: February 6, 2013What effect do you think the Rapture will have on American Jews as far as their return to Israel is concerned? If I understand correctly this prophecy will not be completely fulfilled until after Ezek. 38. However, do you think the Rapture will also influence their decision somewhat? Also, do you think this will be another reason why America’s global influence will be lessened, along with the Rapture?
Was Solomon Saved?
Published: February 6, 2013I keep on hearing that King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes after he repented from his fallen state (Although never got biblical support of this) marrying foreign women and worshiping their gods. This perplexes me because Solomon’s fall angered God and He swore to tear the kingdom apart. If Solomon repented how could God’s decree over Solomon’s kingdom have stood? Can you please share your views as to in which state Solomon was in when he wrote this book and elaborate farther?
Sin During The Millennium
Published: February 5, 2013Re: Rev. 21:8. I am wondering if this verse is just a comment applicable to all judgments or the Great White Throne judgment. If it is the GWT judgment how is it that these sins occur during the Millennial reign when Satan is bound. I recognize that man left to himself is capable of all kinds of evil but the 1000 year period is supposed to be free of these kinds of sins, I thought.
Millennial Judgment
Published: February 5, 2013I have been studying, and teaching through the Revelation. Some things aren’t tracking well for me in Chapters 20-22. In Chapter 20:13 we are told the sea gives up the dead that were in it at the GWT judgment. The GWT judgment appears to happen at the end of the Millennium. How can there be any dead in the sea at that point as there appears to be no accidental deaths during the Millennium, and the judgment at Jesus’ 2nd coming is when the sea dead will be judged? The judgment sequences are very confusing. Can you please shed light on these for me?
The King Of The North, The King Of The South, And The Anti-Christ
Published: February 4, 2013If the Psalm 83 war is 1st, followed by Gog Magog, ending with Armageddon, where does the war between the king of the north and the king of the south fit in?
The Fullness Of The Gentiles
Published: February 3, 2013For a while now I’ve been pondering “the fullness of the Gentiles”. You have spoken on the differences between believers (the Body of Christ/the Church) as distinct from Jewish people and Gentile people who trust in Christ during the Tribulation. Since there will still be those two groups of people during this time, why do the Gentiles not figure into “the fullness” right through the Tribulation? Would not those Gentiles be counted as well in that “fullness”? And, the Rapture would then have nothing to do with this count?