The Prosperity Gospel
Published: November 25, 2012I have a question about a popular TV preacher who’s always preaching, “God wants you to have lots of money, get the job, get the girl, etc”.
How many people have been extremely discouraged and feel like failures when this doesn’t happen for them? Maybe they even think God is punishing them by preventing them from attaining all that the prosperity teachers say they should have. What do you think of the prosperity gospel?
Have You Come To Plunder?
Published: November 24, 2012Lately, in the news there is information about an enormous natural gas discovery containing trillions of cubic feet. Russia, through it’s Gazprom division has expressed a desire to develop the discovery. How does this relate to Ezekiel 38?
Give To God Or Pay The Electric Bill?
Published: November 23, 2012I always give whatever the Holy Spirit requests which is rarely more than 5%. The problem is with job and money cuts, increased expenses, etc. if we truly gave 10% we would miss bills every month. So what do I do? Pay my bills and continue to obey what the H.S. says or do I risk my lights being off or not being able to afford the doctor bills? This is a hard time and I am trying to be responsible and a cheerful giver.
Whose Decision Is It?
Published: November 22, 2012I recently read John 6:64-65 and the following question came into my mind, which I would like you to clarify if for me. If God knew in the beginning that some people will not believe Him even if He sent Jesus, then why did He create those people? I mean isn’t it unfair for those people to get the wrath of God?
The Middle East Situation
Published: November 20, 2012Do you think that the current Israel vs. Gaza/Hamas is just one of their many battles or do you think it is a build up to something more serious or prophetic? Could it all be tied into Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus or a pre-cursor to Ezekiel 38?
Judge Not, Follow Up
Published: November 20, 2012Re: Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged. My study bible states : “Matt 7:3-5 -Jesus does not forbid all evaluation or even judgment of others. What Jesus does rule out is pride that views one’s self as better than others.”
Rapture Or Redemption?
Published: November 19, 2012I would like to know what exactly is the blessed hope? I always believed that it is the appearing of Jesus Christ as the verse which mentions the blessed hope says further in. Today, as we spoke via e-mail of the Rapture, someone told me that our blessed hope is not the Rapture, but that it is our redemption. This confused me. Can you please explain what it is?
The Terumah Offering
Published: November 19, 2012The pastor of our church has in the past taught regularly on tithing and giving, but recently he has introduced the need for a Terumah offering, which he says we must do to be truly blessed the way God wants us to be. He teaches that the Terumah offering is a further 2.5% of our gross income and is paid directly to him for his personal use. I have not heard of this before and it troubles me. Can you shed some light please.
Will We Disappear Or Die?
Published: November 19, 2012I bought your book (7 Things You Have to Know to Understand End Times Prophecy) and greatly enjoyed it. I was a post Tribulation believer, but I am starting to change my mind. My question is, what will happen right after the Rapture if it is indeed before the Tribulation? Won’t everyone see that by the disappearance of millions of people all of a sudden that the Bible is right and therefore have a Bible believing world? I was thinking that since we won’t have our resurrected bodies til the 2nd Coming that perhaps after the Rapture our spirits will go to be with the Lord and our bodies will be left on the earth. Thus appearing to the people left behind that millions of people have “died” instead of disappeared.
Away From Me, Evil Doers
Published: November 18, 2012Matthew 7:21-23 reads” Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Does this scenario take place at the great white throne judgement?