Are Lustful Thoughts Sins?
Published: October 2, 2012I am a high school student. Is it a sin for me to have lustful thoughts for my girl friend even if we’re not going to do any thing until marriage?
A Counterfeit Jesus?
Published: October 1, 2012I’m sure you saw that Ahmadinejad told the United Nations that Al Mahdi was coming back soon in the company of Jesus Christ. Since his side and our side seem to be looking at the same guy and situation through polar opposite filters, doesn’t it seem more logical and effectual that the whole world would be united and deceived through a counterfeit Jesus Christ instead of some apparition of Mary?
New Bodies Or Different Bodies?
Published: October 1, 2012Will our earthly bodies be changed into glorified bodies, or will our earthly bodies be left here on earth when we are raptured, while we are then given new glorified bodies. This question has an effect on dead believers’ bodies, too. Will their dead earthly bodies be resurrected and changed to glorified bodies, or will the dead bodies just remain on earth while their spirits are given new glorified bodies?
Is My Mother Saved Or Not?
Published: September 29, 2012My mother is currently going to an Episcopal church and is OK with women holding a man’s office, and does not believe that Jonah really got swallowed by a whale for three days. However, she does believe that the only way to heaven is by believing Jesus died for our sins. My husband says she is following false doctrine and does not follow the Jesus of our Bible and is not saved. I say it is not our place to question anyone’s salvation, that only God knows our heart. What do you say?
Will The Renewed Earth Be Ruined?
Published: September 27, 2012If the Renewed Earth comes at the beginning of the millennium wouldn’t it be ruined by the unbelievers who die in it? and wouldn’t Satan’s rebellion of Rev 20 and the fire from heaven have drastic consequences?
Jesus And The Dali Lama
Published: September 26, 2012I wanted to get your input what Jesus might have been doing from age 12 to 30. Are there extra-biblical sources that discuss this time period? I have a friend that insists that Jesus went to India during this time and had contact with Indian leaders such as the Dali lama. Do you know if this would have been possible? He mentioned that these people had called Jesus Esu and that there were historical documents to substantiate these claims. I do not necessarily agree with him but was curious about this claim.
More On Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy
Published: September 25, 2012Your recent study, “Why Ezekiel 38 will Precede Daniel 9,” is a bit confusing for me. I understand Daniel 9:24, 25, but 26 confuses me. If Jesus rode into Jerusalem after 69 weeks of years, how could he be cut-off after 62 weeks of years? How could He die before He rode on the donkey on Palm Sunday?
Apostles and Prophets One More Time
Published: September 25, 2012In Biblical times, both in the OT and NT, there have always been prophets inspired by the Word of God, and in the NT, Apostles of Christ’s teachings during His time on Earth. Since Paul wasn’t a direct follower of Jesus chosen before the resurrection, why do you think we haven’t been given any Apostles since Paul, if Apostleship is something that was/can be given by God after the Cross? Further, why are there no further recognized prophets since John the baptist?
Was Jesus Married?
Published: September 23, 2012What is your opinion of the news of Jesus’ wife being mentioned in a Fourth-Century Papyrus Fragment – I believe Bloomberg News reported on it.
Who Were The Canaanites?
Published: September 22, 2012Re: Zechariah 14:20-21. On that day HOLY TO THE LORD will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the LORD’s house will be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar. Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the LORD Almighty, and all who come to sacrifice will take some of the pots and cook in them. And on that day there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD Almighty.
Can you tell me what is meant that there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD? Who are the Canaanites? Thank you so very much for all you do.