Ask a Bible Teacher

The Next Pope

Published: April 10, 2012

Do you think the next Pope will be the false prophet? If so is it him alone that is working for Satan or the whole religion?

A Prophecy Against Mt. Seir

Published: April 10, 2012

Ezekiel 35 gives a prophecy against Mt. Seir. Where is Mt. Seir and do you see this prophecy as yet coming?

Are The 144,000 The Bride?

Published: April 6, 2012

I have a question pertaining to the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7:4. I read some thoughts from a well-known Pastor who says that the 144,000 are Israelites of pure racial strain and will be the ones that go into the world to convert a “Great Multitude” of believers. Then he goes on to say that the church is not the Bride of Christ. The 144,000 are the only ones to be the Bride. The born again believers (us) are the “Great Multitude” and therefore the wedding guests. I am trying to figure out the scriptures to check for myself. I am fine with being a wedding guest if that’s the case, but is this true?

More On Rapture Or 2nd Coming?

Published: April 4, 2012

I constantly hear different interpretations regarding the following verse, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matt. 24:36)) and “As in the days of Noah”. I’ve gone back and forth on this way too may times. Won’t tribulation believers know when the Lord is coming? And how could people be carrying on as usual when the world is being destroyed around them? Also the examples of the men in the field and the women grinding in the mill sound a lot more like the rapture to me than the 2nd Coming. Please help!

Will We Remember The Past?

Published: April 3, 2012

In the New Jerusalem, we will have perfected bodies with pure minds like Jesus. On Earth now, our minds and works are imperfect (filthy rags). Will our perfected minds in the New Jerusalem even allow us to remember and look at the sins that we have done while on the old Earth? When God says that he will wipe away the tears from our eyes, does that mean he will remove our memory of this life on earth? Perhaps we will be so busy and excited exploring the New Jerusalem and Heaven that we won’t have the time or even care to think about our past life on earth.

How Many Days Equal Seven Years? Follow Up

Published: April 3, 2012

In a previous letter someone wrote: “Have you calculated what 7 year period has 2550 days in it where there is the month of Adar in the 2nd half? I have heard time and time again by Hebrew scholars that 2014 fits the bill. Also, a neighbor was told by an ex ambassador to Israel to watch for 2014.” Why the month of Adar is significant and what kind of bill 2014 fits? (I don’t understand what this person is talking about.)

Rev. 3:3. Rapture Or 2nd Coming?

Published: April 2, 2012

I have a question re: what Jesus said in Matt. 24:36 & 42-44 versus Rev. 3:3. I understand from your series “The Last 8 Days” that in Matthew, Jesus is talking about His 2nd Coming. The terminology in Rev. 3:3 with the mention of Jesus coming upon the church in Sardis as a “thief in the night” if they “don’t wake up”. My question is in your opinion is Jesus referring to the Rapture in Rev. 3:3? Your insight is always appreciated and may God continue blessing you with your gift of knowledge of His Word. I thank Him for guiding me to you.

More On The Tribulation Saints

Published: April 2, 2012

In your “Times of the Gentiles and Fullness of the Gentiles” piece, you stated at the end that the Tribulation Saints “don’t belong to the Church”. Forgive me, but I’d like to understand where they belong. I’m certain I must have missed or overlooked some teaching on them.

How Many Days Equal Seven Years?

Published: March 31, 2012

Have you calculated what 7 year period has 2550 days in it where there is the month of Adar in the 2nd half? I have heard time and time again by Hebrew scholars that 2014 fits the bill. Also, a neighbor was told by an ex ambassador to Israel to watch for 2014. It’s like no one will say for sure, but they say “Keep an eye on 2014.”

Explaining 1 Peter 5:13

Published: March 31, 2012

Re: 1st Peter 5:13 (Contemporary English Version). First of all may God continue to bless you always. Secondly, I have a question about 1st Peter 5:13, Who is Babylon here? I thought God had no favorites. Please explain to me.