Ask a Bible Teacher

Don’t Believe In The Rapture?

Published: March 20, 2012

There is a question that has been troubling me. If someone is a born again child of God but doesn’t believe in the Rapture, will that person still be taken? If he believes that the Church will go through the Tribulation to be tested and purified to be made “safe to save” does that show a lack of faith and salvation, or just a different understanding of the relevant scripture?

The Church At The Time Of The Rapture

Published: March 19, 2012

Some say that the end times church will be glorious and without spot or blemish, others say there will be a great falling away and the end times church will be for all practical purpose so small that when the rapture comes it will be barely noticeable. What is your position?

Full Number Of Gentiles

Published: March 16, 2012

The word Gentile can refer to any non-Jew, pagan, heathen, infidel, as well as Christian, so I’m wondering if perhaps the phrase “full number of the Gentiles” from Romans 11:25 refers to the time when that one final person denies Christ and fulfills the cup of iniquity rather than being the last Gentile to accept Him What is your opinion of this?

How Long Will The False Peace Last?

Published: March 16, 2012

I understand the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel will be a time of peace. According to Revelation 6, the 4 horsemen show up before the beginning of the Great Tribulation in Revelation 13. Do you have an idea of how much time of peace there is before the calamities of the horsemen begin?

What Makes Us Different?

Published: March 15, 2012

My question is, in the Bible it states that “the Devils also believe and tremble”. What is the difference between our belief that God is God and their belief? If they are full of sin and so are we what is the difference. Why am I saved when they’re not? The answer is probably right in front of me, but I can’t figure this one out.

Is The Earth Groaning?

Published: March 15, 2012

What is your honest take on the weird noises coming from numerous areas throughout the world. Many people have described these sounds as apocalyptic, trumpet like and extremely eerie. Isn’t there scripture stating how the earth groans?

Can They Be Saved After The Rapture?

Published: March 14, 2012

A prominent prophecy teacher says that people on Earth who have heard and understood the Gospel prior to the Rapture cannot be saved during the Tribulation. Yet, I would think that throngs of people whose family members and friends shared the Gospel with them prior to the Rapture would realize that they’d been mistaken (after the Rapture) and cry out to God asking for salvation. Surely, among the millions who will accept Christ during the Tribulation will be many who first heard the Gospel prior to the Rapture! But this teacher says that the scripture says that a deceiving spirit would prevent them from receiving the Gospel after they had once rejected it. What say you?

Staying Behind?

Published: March 11, 2012

There are those of us faithful who although we accept Our Lord as Our Savior, expect to be left on Earth to to fight the Anti-Christ and his forces post Rapture. We actually picture ourselves as God’s faithful, willing to sacrifice ourselves for God. Don’t laugh, I know it sounds egotistical and somewhat like a contradiction.

It seems if we do, we’ll be damned for all time. If that’s true, why do we bother even worrying about anyone left? What good is a Thousand Years of Peace if no Faithful are even left to do God’s Work? Am I just missing something?

More On The “Great Revival”

Published: March 10, 2012

My pastor, whom I love, keeps talking about the great revival that is coming quoting a famous prophet. He says we will empty the hospitals and “the sower and the reaper will be in the field together.” What is the interpretation of that verse and its application.

In The Twinkling Of An Eye

Published: March 9, 2012

Sir, I have had a lot of trouble buying the split second vanishing of all the saints at the time of the rapture. To me 1 Corinthians 15;51-54 speaks mainly of our corruptible putting on in-corruption, ” but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.” That seems to me to be separate from 1 Thessalonians 4;15-17 ,” and the dead will rise first. then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them” with no mention of how fast it will happen. It seems that GOD would make full use of the rapture to make believers of many who had been sitting on the fence. I can only imagine the impact of watching your dead godly grandmother suddenly appear young and healthy and then rise into the heavens followed by those who are alive and changed. I don’t believe GOD wastes any opportunity to draw His children to Him and He won’t let this chance slip away with a sudden head scratching disappearance of people right before your eyes. I have great respect for your biblical insight and would like to know your thoughts on this.