Ask a Bible Teacher

Children Born After The Rapture

Published: February 11, 2012

At the time of the rapture all born again believers will be taken. Will babies and under aged(not accountable) be taken too? if this is true why does Jesus say in Mathew 24 :19 ” woe to mothers who with child and give suck in those days”

How Many Believed Israel Would Be Reborn?

Published: February 11, 2012

Prior to 1948, were there people who understoodd from the Bible that Israel would be re- born and how prevalent was this view? Also, prior to 1948, were there people who understood from the Bible that the re- birth of Israel woould herald in the end times and how prevalent was this view? Like you said, the only time we know that an interpretation of a prophecy is correct is after it has happened. So I wonder how many people got it right prior to 1948. If only few got it right then, it is also possible that the futurist view of prophecy may be incorrect or incomplete.

The Harbinger, Follow Up

Published: February 10, 2012

I sent a copy of your critique of the Harbinger to the book’s author to see what he had to say about it. His spokesperson said He was interested that you were affected by the book, but that the two of you differ on whether America can return to God. He said his book is a message of hope and repentance for America while you feel repentance is not possible.

Why Will Israel Need A Treaty?

Published: February 8, 2012

Some propose that the battle of Psalm 83 will precede that of Ezekiel 38. The Psalm 83 battle will include most of the Arab nations not employed in the battle of Ezekiel 38. This makes sense if you consider that Israel destroys them during this battle. Thus, the remaining Arab nations will be destroyed, to include Russia, in the battle of Ezekiel 38.

My question is if all of Israel’s enemies are destroyed in these two battles, why will there need to be a treaty or covenant put in place by the anti-Christ to protect Israel? After destroying their enemies in these battles, what will they have to fear?

More On Sin In The Millennium

Published: February 7, 2012

In your email today regarding ‘revival’, part of your answer was that when the Lord returns to earth there will only be believers…if there is sin in the Millennium, how can all be believers? Have I missed something or got something wrong?

Will People Sin During The Millennium?

Published: February 5, 2012

I was Having a discussion with several of my friends about the millennium. We all agree that the earth will be restored to a Paradise. What we don’t agree on is will there be sin? I believe that Man will still have a sinful nature and sin will be limited due to Satan being absent for the 1000 yrs and because Jesus will be reigning with an iron rod. My friends believe that their will be no sin period. Can you Guide us to the correct understanding about sin in the Milennium?

Is Bringing Jews to Israel Being Obedient To God?

Published: February 1, 2012

My question is in regards to something I have been wondering about for quite some time now. Is a ministry that helps the Jews by facilitating (and paying for) ways to bring them back to ‘the land’ in obedience to what God would have us do?

Ezekiel 38 Then Psalm 83?

Published: January 30, 2012

It seems to me with the way things are going over there in the Middle East its looking like Ezekiel 38 is coming before Psalm 83. I thought it was the other way around? Your thoughts would be really appreciated.

Fulfilling Isaiah 17

Published: January 30, 2012

My question today concerns the destruction of Damascus. In your series on Isaiah, you state that Israel will be the ones to destroy Damascus. When I read the passages in question, it does not seem to indicate that Israel is the one causing the desolation, rather, that it is the outcome for attacking Israel. Under the context that God has used many different nations in the past to carry out His plans, is it not possible that another party will be responsible for Damascus’ destruction? I can’t help but think that Assad, once he flees to his mountain stronghold, might unleash on Damascus himself. Do you think that such an alternative scenario is possible?

Using A TV Show To Defend His Opinion?

Published: January 25, 2012

A friend of mine posted a scene from a TV show on You Tube. He used it to defend his opinion that the Bible is wrong about homosexuality. I stand on God’s word but I can’t explain this actor’s statements.